Technology Used | Resource URL |
HTML | Mozilla Developer Tools |
CSS | W3 Schools |
Git | GitHub |
The goal of this project is to take a known web site and refactoring the HTML and CSS and..
- Adding Accessibity functionality to the WEB page (ike adding 'alt' to images)
- Fix any mistakes in the coding (if any)
- Make it more efficient in the way it works or more easily readable (if able)
- Update elements to be more proper within the HTML page or CSS that is either redundant or not necessary.
During the course of looking at the ask added alt funcationality to all images. Then updated the CSS style sheet to clean up the header and footer selectors. Did some updates of the 'div' to mostly 'section' as 'div' is non-simantic. Moved an image out of css so that I could apply an alt tag to it; which actually increased the size of the main image, but only made it a bit better (maybe).
There was some collaboration from others, but it we were encouraged to be somewhat unique in nameing and layout.
If you're new to Markdown, read the GitHub guide on Mastering Markdown.
If you need an example of a good README, check out the VSCode repository.
- Here is a link to the Deployed Website for Horiseon Deployed Site.
- To look at the Github Repo. Go here Horiseon Project.