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text component

Andrey Vakhterov edited this page Feb 20, 2022 · 6 revisions

<text> Displays formatted text.


<text> can have the following properties (all optional)

property description value example
text A string containing plain text to display directly any text <text text="hello world" />
endl Add line-break (\n) in the end of component true, false <text endl="true">line</text>
bold Whether to render the content in bold true, false <text bold="true">bold text</text>
italic Whether to render the content in italics true, false <text italic="true">italic text</text>
underlined Whether to underline the contents true, false <text underlined="true">underlined text</text>
strikethrough Whether to strikethrough the content true, false <text strikethrough="true">strike</text>
obfuscated Whether to render the content obfuscated true, false <text obfuscated="true">You can not read this</text>
color The color to render the content in black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white, reset, or 6-digit hexadecimal color format #<hex> <text color="#FF0000">this color is red</text>
font Text font. See fandom wiki minecraft:default,minecraft:alt <text font="minecraft:alt">alt font</text>
insertion When the text is shift-clicked by a player, this string is inserted in their chat input. It does not overwrite any existing text the player was writing. This only works in chat messages. any text Player <text insertion="DPOHVAR">DPOHVAR</text> left the game
onclick Allows for events to occur when the player clicks on text run:<command>, url:<url to open>, suggest:<command>, page:<page number>, copy:<text>, empty <text onclick="run:/reload">[reload the server]</text>


Tag content can includes:

component description
raw text Spaces and line breaks will collapse into a single space
<pre> Text which is to be presented exactly as written inside <pre>. No other tags allowed inside
<br/> Add a line break in text (carriage-return)
<space/> Add a space
<text> See text component
<keybind> See keybind component
<score> See score component
<keybind> See keybind component
<translatable> See translatable component
<selector> See selector component
<hover-text> Hover event. See hover-text tag
<hover-item> Hover event. See hover-item tag
<hover-entity> Hover event. See hover-entity tag

Only one hover event is allowed per content. Hover event can be placed only at the end of the content.


What the difference between <text text="value"/> and <text>value<text>?

No difference in this case. But "text" property can includes multiple spaces in a row that won't collapse

I got extra spaces in the formatted text:

<text underlined="true">
  underlined text

wrap your text with <pre>

<text underlined="true">
  <pre>underlined text</pre>
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