An ui kit for VarHub games.
Here is quick example:
importRoomModule={() => import("varhub-modules:./game:index.ts")}
onEnter={(client) => console.log("LOGGED IN WITH CLIENT",client)}
<SettingsNumberParameter name={"someNumberParameter"} min={3} label="Max score"/>
<SettingsInputParameter name={"someTextParameter"} label="ChatGPT Url"/>
<SettingsSwitchParameter name={"someBooleanParameter"} label="Infinite game"/>
{/* ... your other application pages by some condition */}
It makes everything for you, including creating varhub client
name | type | required | default | description |
roomIntegrity | string |
+ | Room's integrity. Used for joining. See official core documentation for more info | |
importRoomModule | () => Promise<{roomIntegrity, roomModule}> |
+ | Callback for importing game code. See official core documentation for more info | |
darkMode | boolean |
false |
Makes page dark | |
onEnter | (client: VarhubClient) => void |
undefined |
Callback for entering room. Provides VarhubClient |
importRoomModule={() => import("varhub-modules:./game:index.ts")}
onEnter={(client) => console.log("LOGGED IN WITH CLIENT",client)}
Note, that this components stores/reads state in history. But in prefer it priority state from URL
You can specify settings via providing Settings component as children to VarhubSelfControlEnterPage or VarhubEnterPage
<SettingsNumberParameter name={"someNumberParameter"} min={3} label="Max score"/>
<SettingsInputParameter name={"someTextParameter"} label="Some text"/>
<SettingsSwitchParameter name={"someBooleanParameter"} label="Some flag"/>
{/** Other props */}
Every settings-parameter will be used to fill up settings object that will be passed to room creation
name | type | required | default | description |
name | string |
+ | Name for form. It will be used as key in settings object provided room creation | |
placeholder | string |
Placeholder for input | ||
label | string |
Label for input | ||
className | string |
Classname for input wrapper | ||
required | boolean |
false | Makes parameter required | |
pattern | RegExp |
Adds pattern validation for field | ||
patternMessage | string |
"Invalid pattern" |
Message that will be shown if input not match pattern |
name | type | required | default | description |
name | string |
+ | Name for form. It will be used as key in settings object provided room creation | |
placeholder | string |
Placeholder for input | ||
label | string |
Label for input | ||
className | string |
Classname for input wrapper | ||
required | boolean |
false | Makes parameter required | |
min | number |
Minimum value | ||
max | number |
Maximum value |
name | type | required | default | description |
name | string |
+ | Name for form. It will be used as key in settings object provided room creation | |
label | string |
Label for input | ||
className | string |
Classname for input wrapper |
If you need more control of page, you can use VarhubEnterPage. You need to create VarhubClient by youself: for ex. with provided function createVarhubRoomAndClient
const [abortController, setAbortController] = useState<AbortController|null>(null);
const onEnterPage = useCallback(async (params: OnEnterRoomOpts) => {
const abortController = new AbortController();
const client = await createVarhubRoomAndClient({
}, [onEnter])
// ...
return (
name | type | required | default | description |
initialParams | VarhubEnterParams |
Name for form. It will be used as key in settings object provided room creation | ||
className | string |
Classname for page wrapper | ||
darkMode | boolean |
false | Makes page dark | |
onEnter | (opts: OnEnterRoomOpts) => void |
Callback for create/join room | ||
abortController | AbortController / null |
Controls the loading state & used to canceling room creation |
export interface OnEnterRoomOpts {
joinMode: boolean;
serverUrl: string;
roomId: string;
playerName: string;
settings?: any;
An async function for create/join Varhub room.
export interface CreateRoomAndClientOpts {
serverUrl: string; // Url with varhub-server
playerName: string;
roomId?: string; // If null - will create new room
abortController: AbortController; // Will be called on timeout
settings?: any; // Settings (config) of Varhub room
importRoomModule: () => Promise<{roomIntegrity: string; roomModule: { main: string, source: Record<string, string>}}>; // Room module importer
roomIntegrity: string;
Example from above:
const params = {/*...*/}
const client = await createVarhubRoomAndClient({
export interface VarhubEnterParams {
serverUrl?: string;
roomId?: string;
playerName?: string;
autoJoin?: boolean;
settings?: any;
Gets params for entering rooom. Returns VarhubEnterParams. Every params stored at history.state, but tries to get serverUrl and roomId from URL params first
Saves params to history.state
Context stores VarhubClient. Simple useState wrapped to context.
Value can be used with hook
const client = useVarhubGameClient();