Maintain your memory level with gym !
This simple game allows you to practice mental arithmetic in your terminal. 🧠
CTL+C or ESC to quit.
CTL+P to pass the current question.
gym --maths <MATHS> (A)ddition (S)ubtraction (M)ultiplication (D)ivision (2..) number of terms [default: 2]
💡 Answer can be another operation: 2 + 2 = 4 / 2 + 1 * 2
Don't tell me you've changed your layout again 😮💨
gym --keyboard <KEYBOARD> (L)etters (C)aps (N)umbers (S)ymbols (1..) nb characters [default: 3]
gym --base <BASE> (B)inary (D)ecimal (H)exadecimal (10..) maximal value
Unbelievable! You can also practice you vocabulary in your terminal 🤯
gym --vocabulary
💡 Press TAB to display obfuscated help.
This part requires a file named vocabulary.txt beside the gym's binary.
Feel free to add all your words with this structure :
Download the release and copy gym and vocabulary.txt files in your ~/bin/ folder for instance.
gym -h
for the full command list.
Or clone this repo and build it with cargo:
cargo run --release