Initialize with:
auth2 := authenticate.Init(&authenticate.AuthSettings{ ClientID: , TenantID: , ClientSecret: , RedirectURI: , Skipper: , (Optional) })
NOTE: All redirect URLs in a given flow must be match, and included in the Active Directory app registration The present implementation accepts one redirecturi which must accept a post request
- ActiveDirectoryAuthentication (echo middleware)
- MemberOfGroup(groupname) returns boolean if session use is in group
- SignOut(echo.Context, redirectURI) Signs user out, ultimately redirecting to the provided URI
The middleware will authenticate requests on routes to which it is attached. It is up to the logic of the handler to then verify that the authenticated session's user has the right permissions. To do this, handlers for routes with restricted permissions should receive a reference to the initialized auth object to call its methods.
DangerouslyRetrieveSessionStoreKey() exposes the key where session is stored, granting access to the raw id token and group objects to the outside application. Any use of this is probably a sign that this package should be extended so the resulting functionality can be re-used.