ES6 - Travis - Nyc - - Ava - Boilerplate
go to the following sites and create an account:
go to GitHub Integrations and add the following:
git clone
delete .git directory
git init
edit package.json and rename title
edit keywords in package.json
edit readme and rename title/links
npm install
git add .
run 'npm run commit' for the initial commit
create a new repository at github
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
run 'semantic-release-cli setup'
- skip creating new .travis.yml as you already have one
- put the
"version": "0.0.0-semantically-released",
back in package.json
start building api and unit testing
run npm run cover && npm run build
git add .
npm run commit
git push
The badges on top section of the README should now display some data.
The dependencies saved to package.json is configured with exact version. You might need to update it or change to use semver range operator.
Also, you might want to check out Kent C. Dodds' course How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library at
MIT © Felipe Apostol