Role that installs, from a tarball, the following softwares using the version of your choosing:
- Ruby
- Ruby Gems
- Passenger
The installation path from those 3 softwares are default
The passenger installation also includes the instalation of the nginx module.
I DO NOT install things with root so change the username inside defaults prior using this.
OS: CentOS 6.5 (didn't test on other versions)
Change the nginx conf file in templates folder prior running this
Don't forget to set the variables bellow prior running the role
Inside defaults:
Dependencie packages for Ruby
Outside defaults please define the name of the user where everything will be installed
Install EPEL:
If you wish to disable selinux:
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: ruby, user: my-user }
Fernanda Martins ( LinkedIn: