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Bookstore Demo

This is a demo project for Bookstore implemented with SpringCloud. You can get the architecture of this project from the following picture.


Currently, it takes Consul and Eureka as discovery server and will support Nacos or others in the future.

At the same time, the communication among services supports HTTP and gRPC. bookstore/bookwarehouse exposes HTTP and gRPC services, bookbuyer/bookthief only exposes HTTP service.

By default bookbuyer/bookthief calls bookstore via HTTP. In order to switch to gRPC, an environment protocol=grpc is required.

How to run

This demo supports two discovery servers: Consul and Eureka. You can choose one of them to run.

Maven profile

You need to specify the profile for both Maven and Spring Boot. The profile can be consul, eureka or nacos. Such as:

# enable Consul dependencies
mvn clean install -P consul 
# enable Eureka dependencies
mvn clean install -P eureka 
# enable Naocs dependencies
mvn clean install -P nacos 

Spring Boot profile

All modules will run with profiles dev and consul by default. You can change it with option (it's with mvn spring-boot:run).

  • dev profile will assign different port for each module.
  • prod profile will assign same HTTP port 14001 for each module. It suits for running in Kubernetes. The bookstore and bookwarehouse also listen on gRPC port 9090.
  • consul profile will register the service to Consul server. Combining with dev profile, its address is localhost:8500. Combining with prod profile, its address is consul.default:8500.
  • eureka profile will register the service to Eureka server. Combining with dev profile, its address is localhost:8761. Combining with prod profile, its address is eureka.default:8761.
  • nacos profile will register the service to Nacos server. Combining with dev profile, its address is localhost:8848. Combining with prod profile, its address is nacos.default:8848.
# enable Consul profile
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookwarehouse -P consul,dev
# enable Eureka profile
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookwarehouse -P eureka,dev
# enable Nacos profile
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookwarehouse -P nacos,dev


First of all, you need to start Consul server. You can follow official doc and start it.

Or run it with docker:

docker run -d --name consul -p 8500:8500 consul:1.5.3

Then, you can start the project with the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run -f bookwarehouse -P consul,dev
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookstore -P consul,dev
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookbuyer -P consul,dev


It's same to start Eureka server first. You can choose official doc to run it, or run with Docker

docker run -d --name eureka -p 8761:8761 flomesh/samples-discovery-server:latest

Then, you can start the project with the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run -f bookwarehouse -P eureka,dev
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookstore -P eureka,dev
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookbuyer -P eureka,dev


Referring to official doc, start a Nacos server with Docker:

docker run --rm --name nacos -e MODE=standalone -p 8848:8848 nacos/nacos-server:v2.3.0-slim

Then, you can start the project with the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run -f bookwarehouse -P nacos,dev
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookstore -P nacos,dev
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookbuyer -P nacos,dev


Start a Zookeeper server with Docker:

docker run --rm --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 zookeeper

Then, you can start the project with the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run -f bookwarehouse -P dubbo,dev
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookstore -P dubbo,dev
mvn spring-boot:run -f bookbuyer -P dubbo,dev

Build docker image

You can build docker image with the following command. Note, you should execute this command on x86_64 platform.

It will build and push images for all modules for both Consul and Eureka on one execution.

./ #for http
./ #for dubbo

The script will push images to Docker Hub automatically if you set DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD environment variables in advance.

Run in Kubernetes

Running in Kubernetes is very easy. You can run it with the following command:

kubectl create namespace bookstore
kubectl create namespace bookbuyer
kubectl create namespace bookwarehouse

kubectl apply -n default -f manifets/consul.yaml

kubectl apply -n bookwarehouse -f manifests/consul/bookwarehouse-consul.yaml
kubectl apply -n bookstore -f manifests/consul/bookstore-consul.yaml
kubectl apply -n bookbuyer -f manifests/consul/bookbuyer-consul.yaml

All applications will running in prod profile.

You can try with Eureka by changing consul to eureka in the above commands.