This Bundle provides a simple API to index and query a Solr Index.
Installation is a quick (I promise!) 3 step process:
- Download SolrBundle
- Enable the Bundle
- Configure the SolrBundle
- configure your entity
This bundle is available on Packagist. You can install it using Composer:
$ composer require floriansemm/solr-bundle
Next, enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new FS\SolrBundle\FSSolrBundle(),
Finally, configure the bundle:
# app/config/config.yml
schema: http
host: host
port: 8983
path: /solr/core0
core: corename
timeout: 5
Default values will be used for any option left out.
# app/config/config.yml
dsn: http://host:8983/solr
core: core0
timeout: 5
Any values in schema
, host
, port
and path
option, will be ignored if you use the dsn
To make an entity indexed, you must add some annotations to your entity. Basic configuration requires two annotations:
, @Solr\Id()
. To index data add @Solr\Field()
to your properties.
If you want to index documents without any database, then you have to use the same annotations. Make sure you have set a Id or
set @Solr\Id(generateId=true)
// ....
use FS\SolrBundle\Doctrine\Annotation as Solr;
* @Solr\Document()
* @ORM\Table()
class Post
* @Solr\Id
* @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;
* @Solr\Field(type="string")
* @ORM\Column(name="title", type="string", length=255)
private $title = '';
* @Solr\Field(type="string")
* @ORM\Column(name="text", type="text")
private $text = '';
* @Solr\Field(type="date", getter="format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.z\Z')")
* @ORM\Column(name="created_at", type="datetime")
private $created_at = null;
The bundle handles now updates / inserts / deletions for your configured entity.
This annotation denotes that an entity should be indexed as a document. It has several optional properties:
If you specify your own repository, the repository must extend the FS\SolrBundle\Repository\Repository
* @Solr\Document(repository="My/Custom/Repository")
class SomeEntity
// ...
It is possible to specify a core the document will be indexed in:
* @Solr\Document(index="core0")
class SomeEntity
// ...
By default, all documents will be indexed in the core core0
. If your entities/documents have different languages, then you can setup
a callback method, which should return the core the entity will be indexed in.
* @Solr\Document(indexHandler="indexHandler")
class SomeEntity
public function indexHandler()
if ($this->language == 'en') {
return 'core0';
Each core must be set up in config.yml
under endpoints
. If you leave the index
or indexHandler
property empty,
then the default core will be used (first one in the endpoints
list). To index a document in all cores, use *
as index value.
This annotation is required to index an entity. The annotation has no properties. You should add this annotation to the field that will be used as the primary identifier for the entity/document.
class Post
* @Solr\Id
* @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;
Set this option to true and a the bundle will generate a Id for you. Use this option if you have no underlying DB which generates incremental Ids for you.
This annotation should be added to properties that should be indexed. You should specify the type
option for the annotation.
Currently, a basic set of types is implemented:
- string(s)
- text(s)
- date(s)
- integer(s)
- float(s)
- double(s)
- long(s)
- boolean(s)
If you have a customized schema.xml
than you don't need to setup a field-type.
Solr supports partial updates of fields in an existing document. Supported values are:
- set
- add (multivalue field only, adds a value(s) to a existing list)
- remove (multivalue field only, removes a value(s) from existing list)
- inc (integer field only)
Set this property if you want to index collections with nested Objects.
For more information read the more detailed "How to index relation" guide
In some cases, an entity should not be indexed. For this, you have the SynchronizationFilter
annotation to run a filter-callback.
* // ....
* @Solr\SynchronizationFilter(callback="shouldBeIndexed")
class SomeEntity
* @return boolean
public function shouldBeIndexed()
// put your logic here
The callback property specifies an callable function, which should return a boolean value, specifying whether a concrete entity should be indexed.
Querying the index is done via the solr.client
$query = $this->get('solr.client')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
$query->addSearchTerm('title', 'my title');
$query->addSearchTerm('collection_field', array('value1', 'value2'));
$result = $query->getResult();
$posts = $this->get('solr.client')->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:Post')->findOneBy(array(
'title' => 'my title',
'collection_field' => array('value1', 'value2')
The previous examples were only querying the title
field. You can also query all fields with a string.
$query = $this->get('solr.client')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
$query->queryAllFields('my title');
$result = $query->getResult();
If you need more flexiblity in your queries you can define your own query strings:
$query = $this->get('solr.client')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
$query->setCustomQuery('id:post_* AND (author_s:Name1 OR author_s:Name2)');
$result = $query->getResult();
The query-builder based on Criteria API.
$queryBuilder = $this->get('solr.client')->getQueryBuilder('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
$result = $queryBuilder
To keep your code clean you should move the select-criteria in a repository-class:
class YourRepository extends Repository
public function findAuthor($name1, $name2)
return $this->getQueryBuilder()
HydrationMode tells the bundle how to create an entity from a document.
- use only the data from solrFS\SolrBundle\Doctrine\Hydration\HydrationModes::HYDRATE_DOCTRINE
- merge the data from solr with the entire doctrine-entity
With a custom query:
$query = $this->get('solr.client')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
With a custom document-repository you have to set the property $hydrationMode
public function find($id)
$this->hydrationMode = HydrationModes::HYDRATE_INDEX;
return parent::find($id);
Your should define your own repository-class to make your custom queries reuseable. How to configure a repository for a document have a look at the annotation section
namespace AppBundle\Search;
use FS\SolrBundle\Repository\Repository;
class ProviderRepository extends Repository
public function findPost($what)
$query = $this->solr->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
// some query-magic here
return $query->getResult();
In your repository you have full access to the querybuilder.
Here's all the commands provided by this bundle:
- delete all documents in the indexsolr:index:populate
- synchronize the db with the indexsolr:schema:show
- shows your configured documents
The solr:index:populate
command works well for sets up to 300k entities, everthing large makes the command very slow. You can find here some solution how to sync your DB with Solr.
To extend Solarium with your own plugins, create a tagged service:
<tag name="solarium.client.plugin" plugin-name="yourPluginName"/>
To hook into the Solarium events create a common Symfony event-listener:
<tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="solarium.core.preExecuteRequest" method="preExecuteRequest" />
$helper = $this->get('solr.client')->getDocumentHelper();
$id = $helper->getLastInsertDocumentId();