devify is an IoT server boilerplate. It is extremely light weight and simple to use. To get to speed up, a cli tools is provided.
Usage: devify [options] [command]
new <dir> Create a new devify-server project in the directory
update <dir> Update your project libraries
ui <name> Install one ui package
serve <dir> Start ui package server
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-V, --version output the version number
devify-cli is a cli tool for getting started with devify
npm install -g devify-cli
Create a new project with new
devify new esp8266-iot
Install dependencies
cd esp8266-iot && npm install
Start the server
node coap-broker-server-events.js
By default, the IoT server is listening at coap://localhost:8000
to accept CoAP requests. Please use an IP address to listen from requests. Use HOST
environment to achieve this.
$ export HOST=
$ node coap-broker-server-events.js
WoT.City/CoAP server is listening at coap://
The message shows that the server is listening at coap://
Devify project is developing and will be continous integrated into devify-server. You can update your project library code with update
$ devify update <your_dir>
If you would like to update your project by git
manually. You can just upgrade the libs/
folder of your own project by the following commands.
$ cd <your-dir>
$ git remote add devify
$ git fetch devify
$ git checkout devify/master libs
$ git remote remove devify
Since all the changes of upstream will only be in libs
, you can just checkout libs/
from upstream master.
The server is listening at coap://
to accept CoAP requests. Use NodeMCU and Lua to send message.
-- Configure the ESP as a station (client)
wifi.sta.config("<SSID>", "<PASSWORD>")
-- Create a CoAP client
cc = coap.Client()
-- Make a POST request
tmr.alarm(0, 1000, 1, function()
cc:post(uri, "{\"temp\":20}\r\n")
- object is the resource name
- <ObjectID> is the unique ID of the resource. Please assign a string for your device.
- send is the action which means "sending data to the server*
Please refer to devify-server for more detailed.
devify-cli is released under the MIT License.