This repository contains the code for the paper Contrastive Multimodal Learning for Emergence of Graphical Sensory-Motor Communication. It introduces a new variant of the well-known referential game, a framework used to study language emergence in populations of artificial agents. We focus on an ecological setting where communication relies on a sensory-motor channel. This setting is the Graphical Referential Game (GREG) where a speaker must produce a graphical utterance to name a visual referent object while a listener has to select the corresponding object among distractor referents, given the delivered message. To tackle the GREG this repository contains the CURVES algorithm: Contrastive Utterance-Referent associatiVE Scoring.
The repository assumes the following folders. Datasets are automatically downloaded and generated during the first experiment launch.
📦 graphical-referential-game
┣ 📂 src
┣ ┣ 📂 data
┣ ┣ 📂 results
┣ ┣ 📜 scripts
Dependencies are listed in the dependencies.txt
python3 --exp_name "EXAMPLE" --seed 0 --max_iterations 100000
--exp_name : Name of experiment
--seed : Seed
--max_iterations : Nb of iterations
--nb_agents : Nb of agents
--nb_features : Nb of basic referents in R1 (max 10 for Visual Referents!)
--assoc_lr : Association LR
--action_lr : Utterance Generation LR
--action_bs : Nb of simultaneous searches per utterance generation
--action_it : Nb of iteration per utterance generation
--action_size : Nb of weights in the DMP (has to be even!)
--ss_n : Nb of points in DMP trajectory
--referent_bs : Referents batch_size (if > nb_features, does not matter)
--shared_perspective : Wether agents should share perspectives
--no_perspective : One-hot referents
--no_baseline : No baseline for association updates
python3 --exp_name "EXAMPLE" --seed 0
--exp_name : Name of experiment
--seed : Seed
--P : Nb of perspective/generation per utterance