WhereYouGo project has moved to GitHub.
original project https://code.google.com/p/android-whereyougo/ my project on Google Code https://code.google.com/r/biylda-whereyougo/ this project on GitHub https://github.com/biylda/WhereYouGo/
Clone of WhereYouGo. Main goal is to add vector maps support and general improvements.
Uses the following projects:
Contact: biylda{at}gmail.com
##Development ###Prerequisites
- Android Studio and SDK
- Mercurial
- Git
- follow the guidelines here to setup project and acquire Locus API
- execute
git clone https://github.com/biylda/WhereYouGo.git whereyougo
git clone https://github.com/biylda/openwig.git -b whereyougo openwig
git clone https://github.com/jfmdev/aFileDialog.git aFileDialog
- add the following lines to your
include ':locusAPI'
include ':locusAPI_android'
include ':aFileDialog'
project(':aFileDialog').projectDir = new File('aFileDialog/library/app')
include ':openwig'
project(':openwig').projectDir = new File('openwig/OpenWIGLibrary')
include ':whereyougo'
##What's new
- Added saving slots. User can set the number of available saving slots in Settings->Main. While playing a game, user can use the menu key to show up the menu with available saving slots. Upon clicking on a saving slot, it saves main game and copies the savefile to corresponding saving slot file. When loading a game, user can select whether to start a New game, Main game, Backup game or from Slots. Upon starting a New game, the Main game savefile is not overwritten until user saves. Message about successful saving is shown after the game is successfully saved.
- Added settings option to use single or double click to exit the game
- Added settings option to start GPS automatically after the application is started.
- Added new settings options for units formatting (distance, speed, angle).
- Added start button in a dialog when user clicks on cartridge on map.
- Added ability to receive wherigo link via Share.
- Added ability to start wherigo from map after clicking on icon.
- Changed default Wherigo folder.
- Changed dialog for selecting wherigo folder, user can now select folder without *.gwc files present, also default folder can be set
- Changed input coordinates dialog in map to respect Lat/Lon format from settings.
- Fixed downloading of cartridges from wherigo.com. The server uses TLSv1.2, so it most likely requires Android API >= 16 (Android 4.1 Jellybean).
- Fixed: on some devices, lists with actions, zones, etc. were too narrow
- Fixed image stretching option
- Fixed angle format (negative values in azimuth).
- Fixed issue with info dialog in czech language.
- Fixed issue with string shown when no cartridge is available. This caused the app to crash in French.
- Fixed recovering selected map provider in options menu of a map.
- Fixed compatibility with the newest version of Locus.
- Fixed: Locus map could not be shown when no cartridges were present
- Improved French and Danish translation
- fixed: whitespaces
- fixed: StopSound function
- update: show message about invalid cartridge files
- update: my location on map is enabled by default
- update: contact
- fixed: unicode characters in login
- fixed: some bugs reported on Google Play
- update: translation
- added: start cartridge after downloading
- added: press BACK twice to exit the game
- added: backup previous savefile before saving (.bak extension)
- fixed: unexpected dialog closing in some versions of Android
- fixed: close things after clicking on a button to avoid piling up
- fixed: draw points and labels on top of lines
- fixed: allow playing sounds in headphones only
- update: translation (French, German)
- update: login credentials moved to its own category in Settings
- added: font size in Settings
- added: option to allow or disallow image stretching (Settings->Appearance)
- added: full support for unicode characters
- added: display custom icons for tasks
- added: support for wherigo functions Command(text), specifically StopSound, Alert
- fixed: some bugs
- fixed: close object detail after clicking on button to avoid piling up
- fixed: only one instance of maps
- update: some map providers removed, some added, added attribution on the bottom of the map
- added: current map provider is selected from list with radio buttons
- added: clickable objects on map
- added: links in main menu: geocaching.com, wherigo.com
- added: download cartridges (user needs to fill login credentials in Settings, navigate to desired wherigo via Web Browser and select open in WhereYouGo)
- added: long click on cartridge to show dialog for cartridge deletion
- added: SD card is no longer required (altough recommended), users with no SD card have to download cartridges via the newly added downloading function
- new Location class (not from Locus API anymore)
- massive refactoring inspired by YAAWP
- fixed: online maps were not shown until vector map file was provided
- fixed: map information was accessible even though vector map file was not provided
- update: improved german translation
- added: active zones in zone list are marked with tag (INSIDE)
- fixed: some bugs
- fixed: no animations in dialogs
- fixed: no cartridges in folder required when starting maps
- added: option to guide to the nearest zone point or to defined center
- added: arrow on map displays player's bearing
- added: line from my location to target
- added: turn on/off pins, labels on map
- added: center map when displaying specific object
- added: online maps support, remember map provider
- update: about application dialog
- fixed: choose wherigo folder
- update: correct debug information for openwig (device and platform)
- update: load game question
- update: error log placed in file error.log
- update: smaller pin icons
- fixed: application crashing when receiving location
- fixed: compass azimuth, Location on/off button
- update: renamed GPS to Location, since location can be received via network as well as via GPS
- update: code in LocationState
- added: location provider in Sattelite and Compass screen
- added: create error log when application crashes
- update: application description
- fixed: application crashing when user switches back from another application
- fixed: too large wherigo icons on maps
- added: german translation of new features
- fixed: application was crashing when user switched back from another application
- fixed: compass displays azimuth value
- added: save game button
- added: option to save game automatically
- added: compass and maps can handle other visible things than zones
- choose WhereYouGo folder
- vector maps can handle moving zones
- compass can handle moving zones
- compass displays target name
- window titles in local language
- icons modernization
- remember render schema in vector maps
- fixed problem in openwig with displaying items after save/load
- added "map" button to cartridge menu
- maps display all visible zones in current cartridge
- set GPS always on as default option
- added vector OSM support using MapsForge
- added point labels in vector maps
- added Zone border in both Locus and vector maps
- added "Cancel" button when starting wherigo
- fixed starting a new game
- fixed encoding in "About application"
- option to display WhereYouGo icon in the statusbar while the application is running
- changed cartridge loading message
- logging messages are appended to existing log file