If you are using Git, use this command to clone the project: git clone git@github.com:Spoutcraft/Client.git
For Eclipse
- Make sure you have the Gradle plugin installed (Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Gradle Integration Plugin)
- Import Client as a Gradle project (File > Import)
- Select the root folder for Client and click 'Build Model'
- Check Client when it finishes building and click 'Finish'
For IntelliJ
- Make sure you have the Gradle plugin enabled (File > Settings > Plugins).
- Click File > Import Module and select the 'build.gradle' file for Client.
Note: If you do not have Gradle installed you can use the gradlew files included with the project in place of 'gradle' in the following command(s). If you are using Git Bash, Unix or OS X then use './gradlew'. If you are using Windows then use 'gradlew.bat'.
In order to build Client, simply run the gradle
command. You can find the compiled JAR file in ~/build/distributions
Are you a talented programmer looking to contribute some code? We'd love the help!
- Open a pull request with your changes, following our guidelines and coding standards.
- Please follow the above guidelines for your pull request(s) to be accepted.
- For help setting up the project, keep reading!
After building Client, simply double-click client-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar
in ~/build/distributions