A Halloween themed virtual reality game developed for Steam VR and the HTC Vive. Also can run within Unity 3D with the VRTK Simulator
Description: VR Funhouse (Halloween Edition) is a game packed with interactable objects. Initially you start in a dungeon with appropriate background sounds. Touch the cat with the torch, then walk near the prison cell with the torch to see an old friend, then touch the coffin with the key to open it and once the key touches the zombie, you are teleported to a creepy graveyard. There you will encounter a witch with a brewing cauldron, a ghostly grave, an evil nun with demon eyes and sound effects, and even Satan himself! Plus, many more objects to interact with.
Unity Version: 2018.2.12f1
Platform: PC (Windows)
Size: 1.57GB
To Run:
- Download this game as a zip file from GitHub
- Unzip the zip file
- Navigate to /Builds/Windows
- Connect and power on your headset (if using one)
- Run the executable
- To quit: Ctrl+Shift+Esc and end task
- Note: Do NOT update VRTK version or any obsolete APIs if prompted. Doing so will break the game.
Issues: Time, as always. If the game is played within the Unity editor, the key doesn’t affect the coffin, so you must manually change to the scene to “Graveyard” in the hierarchy. The torch seems to work though.
Sources and more about this game: https://sites.google.com/a/uic.edu/flubekcs491/virtual-reality/project-2-vr-funhouse-halloween-edition