Plugin for sorgalla`s jCarousel ( which makes it responsive. Documentation
Before use:
- Download and include this plugin into your HTML document below of jCarousel library.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.jcarousel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.jcarousel-responsive-plugin.min.js"></script>
- Read documentation how to configure sorgalla`s jcarousel and make your page responsive. After those steps, you can use this plugin. If you have some problems how to do that please look at very simple example below.
Simple usage by calling function on jCarousel instance:
var carousel = $('.listWrapper').jcarousel();
You can configure this plugin by passing options into function.
Following options are available:
Specify how many items should be visible on individual enviroments:
desktop (integer) (default 5)
tablet (integer) (default 3)
phone (integer) (default 2)
sphone (integer) (default 2)
Specify gap between items:
margin (integer) (default 14)
Specify custom tresholds for width of individual enviroments. Every enviroment is specified by array with 2 items. The first item represents minimal width of enviroment and the second item represents max width of enviroment.
tresholds (object)
desktop: [979, Infinity],
tablet: [768, 978],
phone: [568, 767],
sphone: [0 , 568]
desktop: 6,
phone: 1,
margin: 20
tresholds: {
desktop: [960, Infinity],
tablet: [760, 960],
phone: [560, 760],
sphone: [0 , 560]
desktop: 6,
desktop: 3,
phone: 1,
margin: 15
You can find example on this page.
This plugin is provided as it is under the MIT license.