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UIs to write unit tests

Dinis Cruz edited this page Jan 10, 2015 · 1 revision

There are multiple ways to write UnitTests using the O2Platform and its multiple REPLs.

####Using the FluentSharp REPL

You can consume the NUnit Apis directly on the C# REPL:

Assert.IsTrue(int.MaxValue == 0x7FFFFFFF);

return "all ok";
//using NUnit.Framework

which can be re-written like this using the FluentSharp.NUnit apis

(int.MaxValue == 0x7FFFFFFF).assert_Is_True();  //Assert.IsTrue(int.MaxValue == 0x7FFFFFFF);
2.assert_Is(2);									//Assert.IsTrue(2==2);

return "nunit.framework.dll".assembly();
//using FluentSharp.NUnit

Using the 'Write for NUnitGUI'

Linked from the main O2 Platform UI, there is a tool called Write for NUnitGUI


  1. Chose that option to open the UI


  1. Click on Open Default Test File


  1. click on the RUN in NUnit GUI (save, compile, open and run) button


  1. Write a test that fails and see it fail in the UI


  1. You can also use the Run in NUnit Console link to run the test on the Console (which is a bit faster)


  1. The Run in NUnit Console also provides a nice visual clue for passing and failing tests


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