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A zkSNARK toolkit to work with circom zkp DSL in plonk proof system.


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A zkSNARK toolkit to work with circom zkSNARKs DSL in plonk proof system. Based on zkutil and bellman_ce.


  1. install circom into $PATH
  2. install snarkit2 into $PATH: npm install -g snarkit2


  • Proof Generation
  • Verification key generation
  • Proof verification
  • Solidity verifier generation
  • Local key setup for developement
  • Proof Aggregation

Usage examples

The script gives an end-to-end example using plonkit to setup circuits / generate proving keys and validation keys / prove circuits / validate proof in Solidity.

You can also follow the step-by-step commands below.

# Getting help
> plonkit --help
A zkSNARK toolkit to work with circom zkSNARKs DSL in plonk proof system

    plonkit <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    analyse                              Analyse the circuit and output some stats
    check-aggregation                    Check proofs aggregation
    dump-lagrange                        Dump "SRS in lagrange form" from a "SRS in monomial form"
    export-recursive-verification-key    Export Recursive verifying key
    export-verification-key              Export verifying key
    generate-verifier                    Generate verifier smart contract
    help                                 Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    prove                                Generate a SNARK proof
    recursive-prove                      Aggregate multiple proofs
    recursive-verify                     Verify recursive proof
    setup                                Trusted locally set up Plonk universal srs in monomial form
    verify                               Verify a SNARK proof

# Getting help for a subcommand
> plonkit prove --help
Generate a SNARK proof

    plonkit prove [OPTIONS] --srs_monomial_form <srs-monomial-form>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --circuit <circuit>                        Circuit R1CS or JSON file [default: circuit.r1cs|circuit.json]
    -p, --proof <proof>                            Output file for proof BIN [default: proof.bin]
    -l, --srs_lagrange_form <srs-lagrange-form>    Source file for Plonk universal setup srs in lagrange form
    -m, --srs_monomial_form <srs-monomial-form>    Source file for Plonk universal setup srs in monomial form
    -w, --witness <witness>                        Witness JSON file [default: witness.json]

# Suppose we have circuit file and a sample inputs, plus a plonk universal setup SRS (the '.key' file)
# The key file can either be downloaded from a finished third party setup or generated locally (development only)
> ls
circuit.circom  input.json  setup_2^20.key

# generate witness for this circuit
# another option here is use the snarkjs/circom cli like contrib/
> snarkit2 check . --witness_type bin --backend wasm

# Generate a snark proof using the universal setup monomial-form SRS
> plonkit prove --srs_monomial_form setup_2^20.key --circuit circuit.r1cs --witness witness.wtns --proof proof.bin
Loading circuit...
Proof saved to proof.bin
Proof json saved to proof.json
Public input json saved to public.json

# Export verification key
> plonkit export-verification-key --srs_monomial_form setup_2^20.key --circuit circuit.r1cs --vk vk.bin
Verification key saved to vk.bin

# Generate verifier smart contract, which can be used to verify public.json & proof.json
> plonkit generate-verifier --verification_key vk.bin --sol verifier.sol
Contract saved to saved to verifier.sol

# Verify the proof
> plonkit verify --proof proof.bin --verification_key vk.bin
Proof is correct

# Here's a list of files that we have after this
> ls
circuit.circom  circuit.r1cs  circuit.sym  circuit.wasm  input.json  proof.bin  proof.json  public.json  setup_2^20.key  verifier.sol  vk.bin  witness.wtns

If you want to set up a SRS locally for testing, you can make use of setup subcommand:

Trusted locally set up Plonk universal srs in monomial form

    plonkit setup --power <power> --srs_monomial_form <srs-monomial-form>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -p, --power <power>                            Power_of_two exponent
    -m, --srs_monomial_form <srs-monomial-form>    Output file for Plonk universal setup srs in monomial form

You may also want to manually edit and lower down plonk::SETUP_MIN_POW2 in the codes to fast generate a relatively small-sized SRS.

Moreover, you can make use of the analyse subcommand to print out the statistics of a circuit (num of inputs, num of constraints, num of gates...):

Analyse the circuit and output some stats

    plonkit analyse [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --circuit <circuit>    Circuit R1CS or JSON file [default: circuit.r1cs|circuit.json]
    -o, --output <output>      Output file [default: analyse.json]

Proof Aggregation

Plonkit also supports Proof Aggregation. You can aggregate multiple proofs into one, see for a workflow example.


Install Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Install plonkit globally

cargo install --git
# Make sure `~/.cargo/bin` is in $PATH (should be added automatically during Rust installation)

Or alternatively you can compile and run it instead:

git clone
cd plonkit
cargo run --release -- prove --help