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Sped up the StandardMessageCodec for iOS, tiny tweaks about 5% gain.
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gaaclarke committed May 7, 2021
1 parent 9c793f1 commit 678f4e7
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 56 deletions.
148 changes: 92 additions & 56 deletions shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Source/
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,15 @@

#pragma mark - Codec for basic message channel

static const UInt8 s_zeroBuffer[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static const Class s_nsNumber = [NSNumber class];
static const id s_nsNull = [NSNull null];
static const Class s_nsString = [NSString class];
static const Class s_nsData = [NSData class];
static const Class s_nsArray = [NSArray class];
static const Class s_nsDictionary = [NSDictionary class];
static const Class s_flutterStandardTypedData = [FlutterStandardTypedData class];

@implementation FlutterStandardMessageCodec {
FlutterStandardReaderWriter* _readerWriter;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,115 +230,142 @@ - (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];

- (void)writeByte:(UInt8)value {
[_data appendBytes:&value length:1];
static void WriteByte(CFMutableDataRef data, UInt8 value) {
CFDataAppendBytes(data, &value, 1);

- (void)writeBytes:(const void*)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length {
[_data appendBytes:bytes length:length];
static void WriteBytes(CFMutableDataRef data, const void* bytes, NSUInteger length) {
CFDataAppendBytes(data, (const UInt8*)bytes, length);

- (void)writeData:(NSData*)data {
[_data appendData:data];
static void WriteData(CFMutableDataRef destination, NSData* source) {
CFDataAppendBytes(destination, (const UInt8*)source.bytes, source.length);

- (void)writeSize:(UInt32)size {
static void WriteSize(CFMutableDataRef data, UInt32 size) {
if (size < 254) {
[self writeByte:(UInt8)size];
WriteByte(data, (UInt8)size);
} else if (size <= 0xffff) {
[self writeByte:254];
WriteByte(data, 254);
UInt16 value = (UInt16)size;
[self writeBytes:&value length:2];
WriteBytes(data, &value, 2);
} else {
[self writeByte:255];
[self writeBytes:&size length:4];
WriteByte(data, 255);
WriteBytes(data, &size, 4);

- (void)writeAlignment:(UInt8)alignment {
UInt8 mod = _data.length % alignment;
static void WriteAlignment(CFMutableDataRef data, UInt8 alignment) {
assert(alignment <= 8);
UInt8 mod = CFDataGetLength(data) % alignment;
if (mod) {
for (int i = 0; i < (alignment - mod); i++) {
[self writeByte:0];
WriteBytes(data, s_zeroBuffer, alignment - mod);

- (void)writeUTF8:(NSString*)value {
static void WriteUTF8(CFMutableDataRef data, NSString* value) {
UInt32 length = [value lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[self writeSize:length];
[self writeBytes:value.UTF8String length:length];
WriteSize(data, length);
WriteBytes(data, value.UTF8String, length);

- (void)writeValue:(id)value {
if (value == nil || value == [NSNull null]) {
[self writeByte:FlutterStandardFieldNil];
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
static void WriteValue(CFMutableDataRef data, id value) {
if (value == nil || value == s_nsNull) {
WriteByte(data, FlutterStandardFieldNil);
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:s_nsNumber]) {
CFNumberRef number = (CFNumberRef)value;
BOOL success = NO;
if (CFGetTypeID(number) == CFBooleanGetTypeID()) {
BOOL b = CFBooleanGetValue((CFBooleanRef)number);
[self writeByte:(b ? FlutterStandardFieldTrue : FlutterStandardFieldFalse)];
WriteByte(data, (b ? FlutterStandardFieldTrue : FlutterStandardFieldFalse));
success = YES;
} else if (CFNumberIsFloatType(number)) {
Float64 f;
success = CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberFloat64Type, &f);
if (success) {
[self writeByte:FlutterStandardFieldFloat64];
[self writeAlignment:8];
[self writeBytes:(UInt8*)&f length:8];
WriteByte(data, FlutterStandardFieldFloat64);
WriteAlignment(data, 8);
WriteBytes(data, (UInt8*)&f, 8);
} else if (CFNumberGetByteSize(number) <= 4) {
SInt32 n;
success = CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
if (success) {
[self writeByte:FlutterStandardFieldInt32];
[self writeBytes:(UInt8*)&n length:4];
WriteByte(data, FlutterStandardFieldInt32);
WriteBytes(data, (UInt8*)&n, 4);
} else if (CFNumberGetByteSize(number) <= 8) {
SInt64 n;
success = CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &n);
if (success) {
[self writeByte:FlutterStandardFieldInt64];
[self writeBytes:(UInt8*)&n length:8];
WriteByte(data, FlutterStandardFieldInt64);
WriteBytes(data, (UInt8*)&n, 8);
if (!success) {
NSLog(@"Unsupported value: %@ of number type %ld", value, CFNumberGetType(number));
NSAssert(NO, @"Unsupported value for standard codec");
assert(NO); // Unsupported value for standard codec.
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:s_nsString]) {
NSString* string = value;
[self writeByte:FlutterStandardFieldString];
[self writeUTF8:string];
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:[FlutterStandardTypedData class]]) {
WriteByte(data, FlutterStandardFieldString);
WriteUTF8(data, string);
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:s_flutterStandardTypedData]) {
FlutterStandardTypedData* typedData = value;
[self writeByte:FlutterStandardFieldForDataType(typedData.type)];
[self writeSize:typedData.elementCount];
[self writeAlignment:typedData.elementSize];
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) {
[self writeValue:[FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithBytes:value]];
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
WriteByte(data, FlutterStandardFieldForDataType(typedData.type));
WriteSize(data, typedData.elementCount);
WriteAlignment(data, typedData.elementSize);
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:s_nsData]) {
WriteValue(data, [FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithBytes:value]);
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:s_nsArray]) {
NSArray* array = value;
[self writeByte:FlutterStandardFieldList];
[self writeSize:array.count];
WriteByte(data, FlutterStandardFieldList);
WriteSize(data, array.count);
for (id object in array) {
[self writeValue:object];
WriteValue(data, object);
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:s_nsDictionary]) {
NSDictionary* dict = value;
[self writeByte:FlutterStandardFieldMap];
[self writeSize:dict.count];
WriteByte(data, FlutterStandardFieldMap);
WriteSize(data, dict.count);
for (id key in dict) {
[self writeValue:key];
[self writeValue:[dict objectForKey:key]];
WriteValue(data, key);
WriteValue(data, [dict objectForKey:key]);
} else {
NSLog(@"Unsupported value: %@ of type %@", value, [value class]);
NSAssert(NO, @"Unsupported value for standard codec");
assert(NO); // Unsupported value for standard codec.

- (void)writeByte:(UInt8)value {
WriteByte((CFMutableDataRef)_data, value);

- (void)writeBytes:(const void*)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length {
WriteBytes((CFMutableDataRef)_data, bytes, length);

- (void)writeData:(NSData*)data {
WriteData((CFMutableDataRef)_data, data);

- (void)writeSize:(UInt32)size {
WriteSize((CFMutableDataRef)_data, size);

- (void)writeAlignment:(UInt8)alignment {
WriteAlignment((CFMutableDataRef)_data, alignment);

- (void)writeUTF8:(NSString*)value {
WriteUTF8((CFMutableDataRef)_data, value);

- (void)writeValue:(id)value {
WriteValue((CFMutableDataRef)_data, value);

@implementation FlutterStandardReader {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -450,7 +486,7 @@ - (nullable id)readValueOfType:(UInt8)type {
NSMutableArray* array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:length];
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
id value = [self readValue];
[array addObject:(value == nil ? [NSNull null] : value)];
[array addObject:(value == nil ? s_nsNull : value)];
return array;
Expand All @@ -460,8 +496,8 @@ - (nullable id)readValueOfType:(UInt8)type {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < size; i++) {
id key = [self readValue];
id val = [self readValue];
[dict setObject:(val == nil ? [NSNull null] : val)
forKey:(key == nil ? [NSNull null] : key)];
[dict setObject:(val == nil ? s_nsNull : val)
forKey:(key == nil ? s_nsNull : key)];
return dict;
Expand Down

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