Releases: fluxcd/flux2
Releases · fluxcd/flux2
- PR #473 - @fluxcdbot - Update helm-controller to v0.2.1
- PR #468 - @RossyWhite - Fix --dry-run option
- PR #463 - @fluxcdbot - Update source-controller to v0.2.2
- PR #462 - @fluxcdbot - Update kustomize-controller to v0.2.2
- PR #461 - @stefanprodan - Fix cluster path in install docs
- PR #458 - @stefanprodan - Update engineerd/setup-kind to v0.5.0
- PR #455 - @stefanprodan - Fix GitHub bootstrap with token auth
- PR #452 - @stefanprodan - Add the Terraform provider to install docs
- PR #450 - @stefanprodan - Add token authentication option to bootstrap
- PR #446 - @stefanprodan - Add values file example to Helm docs
- PR #444 - @arodus - Fix create tenant command export
- PR #442 - @hiddeco - docs: fix typo
- PR #439 - @fluxcdbot - Update notification-controller to v0.2.1
- PR #438 - @stefanprodan - List component images in check cmd
- PR #437 - @nguyenductoan - docs: fix typo
- PR #435 - @phillebaba - Update authentication hint for Azure
- PR #434 - @stefanprodan - Add target namespace to create ks cmd
- PR #433 - @stefanprodan - Add customize Flux manifests section to install docs
- PR #430 - @hiddeco - Rename migration menu items
- PR #425 - @plod - docs: fixing command for expected output
- PR #423 - @fluxcdbot - Update kustomize-controller to v0.2.1
- PR #422 - @squaremo - Rework Flux2 website intro
- PR #420 - @stefanprodan - Update tag line and featured talks
- PR #419 - @hiddeco - Add Helm Operator migration guide
- PR #416 - @L3o-pold - Fix datasource for cluster Grafana dashboard
- PR #412 - @sylr - Add Kubernetes context option to CLI commands
- PR #406 - @stefanprodan - Add release procedure documentation
- PR #405 - @relu - Update k8s to 1.19 + kustomize 0.6.4
- PR #404 - @fluxcdbot - Update source-controller component to v0.2.1
- PR #403 - @stefanprodan - Update bootstrap docs to match v0.2
- PR #402 - @stefanprodan - Update talks section
- PR #401 - @stefanprodan - Add migration guide for Flux v1 users
- PR #400 - @stefanprodan - Fix install script
- PR #397 - @squaremo - Add GOTK section to index
- PR #396 - @hiddeco - Delete generated docs before regenerating them
- PR #395 - @squaremo - Replace GitOps Toolkit in docs
- PR #393 - @hiddeco - Rename CLI, namespace, and repository references
- PR #392 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
- PR #389 - @hiddeco - Update HelmRelease documentation
- PR #387 - @stefanprodan - Refactor manifests generation
- PR #385 - @squaremo - Minimal rewrite of README to explain Flux v2
- PR #384 - @stefanprodan - Update the stable Helm repository in docs
- PR #381 - @stefanprodan - Change copyright to Flux authors
- PR #378 - @chanwit - change the windows binary release format to .zip
- PR #376 - @phillebaba - Refactor manifest generation into a separate package
- PR #369 - @stefanprodan - Add monitoring guide
- PR #364 - @staceypotter - Update featured talks and add upcoming meeting
- PR #361 - @stefanprodan - Ignore missing kinds when uninstalling
- PR #358 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
- PR #356 - @StupidScience - Implement custom flags for options with validation rules
- PR #354 - @stefanprodan - Add Windows OS to CLI install docs
- PR #350 - @allymparker - Add
flag to create source commands
- PR #353 - @hiddeco - Remove documentation version hotfix
- PR #352 - @hiddeco - Refactor create, reconcile and resume commands
- PR #351 - @stefanprodan - Add GitLab HTTPS auth to bootstrap options
- PR #349 - @stefanprodan - Publish CLI binary for Windows
- PR #348 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
- PR #347 - @stefanprodan - Add rebase action
- PR #346 - @staceypotter - updated with featured talks + upcoming meetups
- PR #345 - @staceypotter - updated featured talks + upcoming meetups
- PR #344 - @smorimoto - Use fossa-contrib/fossa-action instead
- PR #343 - @stefanprodan - Set alert provider secretRef only if specified
- PR #341 - @squaremo - Mark the design tasks for image automation as done
- PR #340 - @stefanprodan - Enable client side validation on bootstrap
- PR #337 - @stefanprodan - Add cluster stats dashboard to monitoring stack
- PR #334 - @StupidScience - Get rid of shell-out and invoke command directly via exec
- PR #333 - @stefanprodan - Update docs website
- PR #332 - @stefanprodan - Uninstall improvements
- PR #331 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
- PR #327 - @nanikjava - Add ARM instruction to get started guide
- PR #323 - @stefanprodan - docs: Install the monitoring stack with gotk
- PR #318 - @stefanprodan - Introduce install package
- PR #317 - @staceypotter - Add featured talks and meetups section
- PR #315 - @rieger-jared - Update api versions in guides
- PR #313 - @dholbach - close parentheses, make link to guide more obvious