Tomaatti (Finnish for Tomato / Pomodoro) is a Pomodoro timer which can be integrated into your regular i3 setup.
python3 install --prefix ~/.local
- python 3 (
sudo apt install python3
) - i3blocks (
sudo apt install i3blocks
) - Tkinter (
sudo apt install python3-tk
- Xcompmgr for transparent overlays (
sudo apt install xcompmgr
Tomaatti is distributed through PyPI (the Python Package Index). For installing it, just
type sudo pip install tomaatti
for installing it globally or pip install tomaatti --prefix ~/.local
for a local installation. If you chose the local installation, ensure ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
is in your PYTHONPATH
variable and ~/.local/bin
in your PATH
environment variable.
Currently the only supported configuration is i3blocks.
This tool was mainly tested with i3blocks and this should be the primary way of using it. Please ensure in your i3 configuration file that you use i3blocks as the block manager for your tool bar:
bar {
status_command i3blocks -c ~/.config/i3/i3blocks.conf
If you confirmed that you can run i3blocks, past the following snipped to your i3blocks configuration. This ensures that you can use the pomodoro timer by simply clicking on it in your tool bar:
Since tomaatti uses Tkinter for showing that a work or break period ended, it is recommended to add the following line to your i3 configuration to ensure the notification will be displayed correctly:
for_window [title="(?i)tomaatti" class="(?i)tk"] floating enable move position center urgent
Action | What it does |
Left click | Start and stop the current timer |
Middle click | Nothing |
Right click | Switch the timer between work and break period |
If the i3 bar is not visible, the widgets are not triggered. The way the timer is currently implemented there is no way in showing that the period ended without a query from the i3 bar itself.
If there is no composite manager running, it is not possible to show a transparent image. Either you have to install and start a composite manager or disable the fullscreen overlay.