This library helps with a few things:
- Querying
- Provides helpers functions for retrieving entities when you don't need to specify their relationships to other entities and you only have one input, the db.
- Includes a couple utility functions like
- Tasks Makes it easier to create a database and add
schema attributes. Assumes schemas are in
- Data Loading Allows you to more succinctly express entities and relationships for loading into datomic. This is good for loading seed data, for example
In your project.clj
, use
[com.flyingmachine/datomic-junk "0.2.1"]
Functions from the com.flyingmachine.datomic-junk
namespace allow
you to more succinctly express simple queries. Examples:
;; datomic - find the biebs
(q '[:find '?c :where [['?c :person/name "Justin Biebs"]]] db)
;; datomic-junk
(one db [:person/name "Justin Biebs"])
;; datomic - find all people
(q '[:find '?c :where [['?c :person/name]]] db)
;; datomic-junk
(all db :person/name)
;; datomic - find people with name X
(q '[:find '?c :where [['?c :person/name "X"]]] db)
;; datomic-junk
(all db [:person/name "X"])
;; Each datomic-junk function can take multiple conditions
(all db [:person/birth-year 1955] [:favorite/color "burgundy"])
Also check out the tests for more examples.
In the com.flyingmachine.datomic-junk.tasks
takes a seq of schema names like
["topic" "post" "tag"]
and reads the corresponding .edn
files under resources/schemas
. It
then runs the transactions in those files if they haven't been run
recreates a database.
Functions in the com.flyingmachine.datomic-junk.load
namespace allow
you to more succinctly write entity and relationship data for loading
into datomic. For example, say you have a simple forum schema with
tags, topics, and posts, like this (truncated):
[;; tag
{:db/ident :tag/name
:db/valueType :db.type/string}
;; topic
{:db/ident :topic/title
:db/valueType :db.type/string}
{:db/ident :topic/tags
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
;; post
{:db/ident :post/content
:db/valueType :db.type/string}
{:db/ident :post/topic
:db/valueType :db.type/ref}]
You could create entities using this data:
[{:topic/title "Were-Simmons?"
:topic/tags [{:tag/name "health"}
{:tag/name "emergency"}]}
[{:post/topic {:topic/title "Were-Simmons?"}}
{:post/content "I was bit by a were-Simmons. Is there any hope for me?"}
{:post/content "No, sorry. You will turn into Richard Simmons on the full moon."}]]
This would create one topic with two tags and two posts. The first
element of the vector is a map, which tells datomic-junk to create an
entity. Its :topic/tags
attribute is a vector, and datomic-junk
creates those entities and associates them with the topic.
The second element is a vector. This tells datomic-junk to merge the
first map of the vector ({:post/topic {:topic/title "Were-Simmons?"}}
) with all of the maps that follow. It's as if you
wrote this:
[{:topic/title "Were-Simmons?"
:topic/tags [{:tag/name "health"}
{:tag/name "emergency"}]}
{:post/content "I was bit by a were-Simmons. Is there any hope for me?"
:post/topic {:topic/title "Were-Simmons?"}}
{:post/content "No, sorry. You will turn into Richard Simmons on the full moon."
:post/topic {:topic/title "Were-Simmons?"}}]
When the value of a map key is itself a map, like {:post/topic {:topic/title "Were-Simmons?"}}
, then datomic-junk uses the inner map
as a query. In this way, each of the posts is associated with the
topic that gets created.