Some resources gathered by the Harvard Informatics group and other contributors to help people learn bioinformatics tools (basic and specialized) at home.
- Unix
- R
- Python
- Statistics
- Git and version control
- RNA-seq
- Single-cell Analysis
- Read mapping
- Variant calling
- Miscellaneous
- Greg Wilson's YouTube videos on the Unix shell
- Introduction to the Command Line for Genomics
- A short introduction to grep
- Lockdown Learning - Bioinformatics: Daily livestreamed bioinformatics lessons, assuming no prior experience.
Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging)
Process Substitution
One-Liners for Bioinformatics
- Data Analysis for the Life Sciences Series: A course by Rafael Irizarry at Dana Farber
- Introduction to Computational Biology: Tutorial by Mike Love, the author of DESeq2 and other R packages
- R for data science: by Hadley Wickham, developer of Tidyverse and many other things
- Checkio: Python coding game, great for practice!
- Advanced R: Advanced course by Hadley Wickham
- Bioconductor courses and conferences: Overview of Bioconductor training resources
- Using Python for Research A collection of links to YouTube videos; scroll to the bottom.
- Biology Meets Programming: Bioinformatics for Beginners
- Modern Statistics for Modern Biology: Book by Susan Holmes and Wolfgang Huber
Happy Git and GitHub for the useR: A book by Jenny Bryan
paper:A Quick Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub
paper:Ten Simple Rules for Taking Advantage of Git and GitHub
git in practise: An opinionated intermediate/advanced Git book
Fixing Problems: Git is hard, and screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is impossible. Git documentation has this chicken and egg problem where you can't search for how to get yourself out of a mess, unless you already know the name of the thing you need to know about in order to fix your problem. Here are resources to help figure out what to do when things go wrong.
- oh shit git!
- How to undo (almost) anything with Git
- A guide for astronauts (now, programmers using Git) about what to do when things go wrong: git flight rules](
- Understanding snakemake
- A Primer for Computational Biology A nice book.
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization: Claus Wilke's book on data visualization, covers principles and figure design.
- gcp-for-bioinformatics a repo with patterns for using the public cloud for bioinformatics, uses GCP, but patterns can be applied to other public cloud vendors, i.e. AWS, Azure....