- Playit Programming language
- Program's Structure
- Source code file extension
- Variables identifiers (id's)
- Data types. Scalars
- Data types. Composite
- Expressions
- Expressions evaluation
- Block and Scope
- Comments and White spaces
- Instructions
- Assignment
- Conditional
- Loops
- Input/Output
- Map (Under development)
- Flow control structures
- Selection
- Loops
- Determined
- Indetermined
- Loop break
- Skip current iteration
- Alter current execution (Under development)
- Subroutines
- Examples
- Compile and run
- Extras
Desingned by:
- Manuel Gonzalez 11-10390 (Frontend)
- Francisco Javier 12-11163 (Frontend, Backend)
- Natascha Gamboa 12-11250 (Frontend, Backend) Currently working on it.
Playit, it's a general purpose imperative language, not oriented to objects, compiled and strongly typed, inspired by the world of videogames, taking concepts and philosophies from them. It is designed and implemented by Computer Engineering students from the Simón Bolívar University throughout the subjects Programming Languages I & II (CI-4721, CI-4722).
Playit has:
- Primitive data types (Integers, Characteres, Floating point numbers, Booleans).
- Pointers to memory in Heap.
- Arrays, Records, Variant records.
- Read and write from standard IO.
- ¡LOVE! 😚
Cube volume
play world %>CubeVolume<%:
"' Calculates the volume of a cube '"
Skill arista, vol
arista equip joystick ~Introduzca arista: ~
vol equip arista * arista * arista
drop ~volume: ~, vol
Even or odd
play world %>EvenOdd<%:
"' Says if a number is even or odd '"
Power n
n equip joystick ~input a Power n: ~
| n % 2 == 0 }
drop ~its even~
| notPressed }
drop ~its odd~
Multiply tables
play world %>Tables<%:
Rune other equip *s*
Power i, n
n equip joystick ~input a Power n: ~
drop ~Multiply table of ~, n, ~ es:~
@ Start nesting
i equip 1
drop n, ~ * ~, i, ~ = ~, i * n
cleared i <= 10
@ End nesting
other = joystick ~Do you eant to calculate another table? (y/n): ~
cleared other != *n*
Lopps with arrays and lists
Kit of Runes age equip <<~12~, ~23~, ~15~, ~40~, ~15~>>
Runes|}5{| names equip |}~Natascha~, ~Francisco~, ~Manuel~, ~Ricardo~, ~Haskell~{|
farming Power i equip 0 until 4:
drop ~Hola ~, names|)i(|, ~ tienes ~, age|>i<|, ~ años!~
Kit of Kit of Power list2 equip << <<10,5>>, <<3,6>>, <<4,2>> >>
farming Kit of Power kpd in list2:
farming Power d in kpd:
drop ~Dobles: ~, d
La presente sección contiene algunas funcionalidades de Playit que tentativamente pueden ser desarrolladas con el lenguaje.
- Intérprete.
- Hilos. cheat
- Caracteres UTF-8.
- Excepciones. AoE
- Iteradores. Quest
Dungeon: record of monsters and only one final boss -> para pasar al siguiente nivel del juego
enter dungeon -> cleared -> mission/raid completed -> world level up / rank up
mission = level/stage + quests raid respawn rank skill tree upgrade