A boilerplate for laravel projects done in docker. We include mariadb as database, composer as a separate service, phpcs for checking code style errors, swagger to document the api and rabbitmq as a queue system. Simply clone this repo and start developing.
Currently, we use php7.3, laravel 7, composer 1.10, mariadb10.5 and rabbitmq 3.8
make up
: to up the docker service
make down
: to down the docker services
make restart
: docker-compose up and down without the use of docker-compose restart
make bash
: to access bash of the php service as a normal user
make root_bash
: to access bash of the php service as a root user
make permissions
: corrects the prmissions of the filesystem, in case you encounter any errors
make composer_install
: installs the dependencies
make composer_autoload
: dump-autoloads the system
make phpcs
: checks style errors