This repository contains the implementation of our ACM MultiMedia 2021 paper:
- inter-skeleton contrastive pretraining
- 3D action recognition and retrieval downstream
conda create -n skeleton_contrast python=3.7 anaconda
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 -c pytorch
pip install tensorboard
- Download raw NTU-RGB+D 60 and 120 and save to ./data folder
cd data_gen
- e.g Inter-skeleton contrast using seq-based and graph-based representation on cross-view NTU-60
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python \
--lr 0.01 \
--batch-size 64 \
--mlp --moco-t 0.07 --moco-k 16384 --checkpoint-path ./checkpoints/ntu_60_cross_view/interskeleton_seq_based_graph_based --schedule 351 --epochs 451 --pre-dataset ntu60 --skeleton-representation seq-based_and_graph-based --protocol cross_view
- check for other pretraining configrations
- 3D Action Classification (Linear evaluation )
- e.g Train a linear classifier on seq-based query encoder features pretrained via inter-skeleton contrast
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python \
--lr 0.1 \
--batch-size 64 \
--pretrained ./checkpoints/ntu_60_cross_view/interskeleton_seq_based_graph_based/checkpoint_0450.pth.tar \
--finetune-dataset ntu60 --protocol cross_view --pretrain-skeleton-representation seq-based_and_graph-based --finetune-skeleton-representation seq-based
- 3D Action Retrieval (KNN evaluation)
- Use a Knn classifier on seq-based query encoder features pretrained via inter-skeleton contrast
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python \
--lr 0.1 \
--batch-size 64 \
--knn-neighbours 1 \
--pretrained ./checkpoints/ntu_60_cross_view/interskeleton_seq_based_graph_based/checkpoint_0450.pth.tar \
--finetune-dataset ntu60 --protocol cross_view --pretrain-skeleton-representation seq-based_and_graph-based --finetune-skeleton-representation seq-based
- Check and for other downstream configrations
- NTU 60 and 120 : pretrained_models
If you use our work or code, kindly consider citing our paper:
author = {Fida Mohammad Thoker, Hazel Doughty and Cees Snoek},
title = {Skeleton-Contrastive 3D Action Representation Learning},
booktitle = {in Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia,(ACM MM), 2021},
year = {2021},