Aluratube is a web application that agregates YouTube videos in a timeline screen.
Minimal requirements follows the list:
In the development environment, following the Next.JS linting configuration instructions should be sufficient for code format and standardization.
Also, an account on the Supabase online service is necessary as a database access for the application.
A number of packages are required by the application during the building. It is mandatory that a minimal NodeJS javascript runtime environment is available on the building machine. Instructions for installation on a number of operating system are provided in their download site.
# Clone this repository.
git clone ""
# Enter the cloned repository.
cd aluratube
# Install packages.
npm install
For running the application, there is a series of Next.JS scripts for usage in development and production environments.
# Run the development version.
npm run dev
# Build the optimized production version.
npm run build
# Run the production version.
npm run build
npm run start
Using container environments is done with a previously downloaded Node.JS image. Follow the minimal requirements list for a suitable version of the image to be used.
Podman is only available in the GNU/Linux distributions. It is possible to run rootless and daemonless containers.
# Podman does not require root access.
podman run --rm \
--interactive \
--tty \
--name aluratube \
--mount "type=bind,source=$(pwd)/,target=/usr/src/App/,Z" \
--workdir "/usr/src/App/" \
--publish 3000:3000/tcp \ \
npm run dev
Docker is a daemon that manages container services.
# Docker requires privileged access to run.
sudo docker run --rm \
--interactive \
--tty \
--name aluratube \
--mount "type=bind,source=$(pwd)/,target=/usr/src/App/,Z" \
--workdir "/usr/src/App/" \
--publish 3000:3000 \
node:18.12.0-alpine \
npm run dev
See LICENSE file.
See file.
See file.