BlackArchLinux is a lightweight expansion to Arch Linux for penetration testers.
The toolset is distributed as an Arch Linux unofficial user repository so you can install BlackArchLinux on top of an existing Arch Linux installation. Packages may be installed individually or by category.
We currently have over 185 tools in our toolset and the repository is constantly expanding. All tools are thoroughly tested before being added to the codebase to maintain the quality of the repository.
You can get in touch with the blackarch team. Just check out the following:
Please, send us pull requests!
IRC: irc://
Add this to
Server =$repo/os/$arch
To use the mirrorlist:
pacman -S blackarch-mirrorlist
And uncomment mirror that is closest to you.
Then add this to
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-blackarch
For package signing, pull in and sign the package signing keys:
# pacman-key -r 4345771566D76038C7FEB43863EC0ADBEA87E4E3
# pacman-key --lsign-key 4345771566D76038C7FEB43863EC0ADBEA87E4E3
Now run
# pacman -Syyu
You may now install tools from the blackarch repository. To list all of the available tools, run
# pacman -Sgg | grep blackarch
To install all of the tools, run
# pacman -S blackarch
To install a category of tools, run
# pacman -S blackarch-<category>
To see the blackarch categories, run
# pacman -Sg | grep blackarch
Tools may be installed by category. The category groups are listed below. To learn more about each included tool visit
# pacman -S blackarch-intel
Tools in this group:
- ace
- braa
- chownat
- cisco-auditing-tool
- cms-explorer
- creepy
- cryptcat
- cutycapt
- dmitry
- dns2tcp
- dnsbf
- dnsenum
- dnsmap
- dnswalk
- enumiax
- evilgrade
- fierce
- fiked
- fragroute
- hamster
- hashid
- hexinject
- iaxflood
- ike-scan
- inguma
- intrace
- iodine
- irpas
- lbd
- maltego
- metagoofil
- miranda-upnp
- mitmproxy
- netcommander
- netdiscover
- netglub
- netmask
- netsniff-ng
- onesixtyone
- p0f
- proxychains
- ptunnel
- pwnat
- rtpbreak
- sbd
- sipp
- sipsak
- sipvicious
- snmpcheck
- ssldump
- sslscan
- sslsniff
- sslstrip
- sslyze
- thc-ipv6
- theharvester
- tuxcut
- udptunnel
- urlcrazy
- voiphopper
- waffit
- weevely
- wol-e
- xprobe2
- zaproxy
# pacman -S blackarch-forensics
Tools in this group:
- afflib
- autopsy
- binwalk
- bulk-extractor
- dc3dd
- foremost
- galleta
- guymager
- magicrescue
- md5deep
- p0f
- pasco
- pdf-parser
- pdfid
- peepdf
- pev
- radare2
- recoverjpeg
- reglookup
- rifiuti
- safecopy
- scrounge-ntfs
- tiger
- vinetto
- volatility
# pacman -S blackarch-exploitation
Tools in this group:
- armitage
- cisco-auditing-tool
- cisco-global-exploiter
- creepy
- exploit-db
- metasploit
- miranda-upnp
- reaver
- set
- thc-ipv6
- websploit
- yersinia
# pacman -S blackarch-defensive
Tools in this group:
- artillery
- inundator
- maltego
- metagoofil
- secure-delete
- sniffjoke
# pacman -S blackarch-wireless
Tools in this group:
- asleap
- bluelog
- bss
- bt_audit
- btscanner
- cowpatty
- fern-wifi-cracker
- freeradius-wpe
- giskismet
- hidattack
- killerbee
- mdk3
- mfcuk
- mfoc
- redfang
- rfidiot
- rfidtool
- spooftooph
- wifi-honey
- wifitap
- wifite
# pacman -S blackarch-analysis
Tools in this group:
- bed
- cflow
- cisco-auditing-tool
- cisco-global-exploiter
- dbpwaudit
- fang
- lynis
- maltego
- mdbtools
- nikto
- oscanner
- pentbox
- powerfuzzer
- scapy
- sfuzz
- slowhttptest
- spike
- sqlmap
- sqlninja
- sqlsus
- tcpjunk
- yersinia
# pacman -S blackarch-web-apps
Tools in this group:
- blindelephant
- burpsuite
- davtest
- dirb
- dirbuster
- fimap
- grabber
- joomscan
- mfcuk
- mfoc
- nikto
- paros
- plecost
- powerfuzzer
- skipfish
- sqlmap
- sqlninja
- sqlsus
- w3af
- wapiti
- webscarab
- webslayer
- wfuzz
- whatweb
- xsser
- zaproxy
# pacman -S blackarch-password-attacks
Tools in this group:
- burpsuite
- cisco-auditing-tool
- cmospwd
- crunch
- dbpwaudit
- findmyhash
- hash-identifier
- hashcat
- hydra
- johnny
- keimpx
- medusa
- onesixtyone
- pack
- patator
- rcracki_mt
- samdump2
- sipcrack
- sucrack
- thc-pptp-bruter
- webscarab
- zaproxy
# pacman -S blackarch-hardware-hacking
Tools in this group:
- dex2jar
- smali
# pacman -S blackarch-reversing
Tools in this group:
- dex2jar
- edb-debugger
- flasm
- ollydbg
- pev
- radare2
- recstudio
- scanmem
# pacman -S blackarch-stress-testing
Tools in this group:
- iaxflood
- mdk3
- t50
- thc-ipv6
- thc-ssl-dos
# pacman -S blackarch-threat-model
Tools in this group:
- magictree