- Install Node.js 18.12.1 (npm 8.19.2)
- mac/linux: You can install nvm to manage npm and node versions.
- windows: You can install nvm-windows to manage npm and node versions.
- Install git
- Install the latest chrome browser
Clone meli-wdio-cucumber repository.
foo@bar:~$ git clone git@github.com:fogrizovic/meli-wdio-cucumber.git
foo@bar:~$ npm i
- wdio: for running test scenarios
- lint: for running linter
- ENV: REQUIRED {prd, qa}
- DEBUG: OPTIONAL Used when debbing.You need to add browser.debug() on the point you want to stop execution.
We run tests by using cucumber tags.
foo@bar:~$ ENV=<environmentName> npm run wdio -- --cucumberOpts.tagExpression=<tag>
foo@bar:~$ ENV=prd npm run wdio -- --cucumberOpts.tagExpression=@web