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@JuliaLangTW @foldfelis-QO

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Alberto Rodríguez beto-rodriguez
I love building things, I am experienced with dotnet technologies and also with Angular, TypeScript and VanillaJS.

Guadalajara, Mexico

William Moses wsmoses

UIUC/Google Deepmind Champaign, IL

Yingbo Ma YingboMa

@JuliaComputing Boston, MA

Avik Pal avik-pal
PhD Student @mit || Prev: BTech CSE IITK

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Samuel Omlin omlins
Computational Scientist | Responsible for Julia computing, CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, ETH Zurich

CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre Switzerland

QuEra Computing Inc. QuEraComputing
Building scalable quantum machines to make impossible problems simple.

United States of America

Kristoffer Carlsson KristofferC
DM me on JuliaLang Slack for urgent things. Latest notification bankruptcy: 26 Nov.

@JuliaComputing Sweden

ITensor ITensor
A software library for developing and performing state of the art tensor network calculations.
Lu Lu lululxvi
Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Yale University

Yale University

QuTiP qutip
Quantum Toolbox in Python
SciML Open Source Scientific Machine Learning SciML
Open source software for scientific machine learning
FluxML FluxML
The Elegant Machine Learning Stack
Xiu-zhe (Roger) Luo Roger-luo
I cast quantum spells. Limbo due to US visa adminstrative processing.

@QuEraComputing Waterloo

Quantum Optics foldfelis-QO


Johnny Chen johnnychen94
I'm a Ph.D. student in Math@ECNU, and I maintain the JuliaImages ecosystem.

East China Normal University Shanghai, China

Ray raysan5
I make tools and technology for videogames development. Available for technical consulting, courses teaching and conferences. Feel free to message me!

@raylibtech Barcelona

Christopher Rackauckas ChrisRackauckas
Applied Mathematics Instructor at MIT, researching numerical differential equations and their applications to scientific machine learning (SciML)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Tim Holy timholy
Neuroscientist and developer of the Julia language and its packages, including many developer tools and those of the @JuliaImages organization

Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Meng Lee leemengtw
ML Engineer @ Stability AI. Also write stuffs @ Tokyo, Japan

Frames White oxinabox
Writing software for math, by math. 🏳️‍⚧️

@JuliaComputing Perth, Australia

Rick Button rickbutton
senior yak shaver

@bloomberg NYC

Fons van der Plas fonsp
worried about climate change

TU eindhoven Wageningen, Netherlands

v Vendicated
programming and black metal

World Wide World

Grant Sanderson 3b1b
I make videos about math.


Jim Huang jserv

@BiiLabs Taipei City, Taiwan

dboyliao dboyliao
Yet Another Machine Learning Engineer


Poy Chang poychang
I am developer. Dev with Azure and .NET


WooKyoung Noh wookay

@factorcat Teyvat

Triton Ho TritonHo
good code is elegant and simple.
Satoshi Terasaki terasakisatoshi
JuliaLang package/code creator Miyagi, Sendai/Japan   MainLang: Julia/Python

JuliaLang user Miyagi/Japan

Jinguo Liu GiggleLiu
I am an assistant professor at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). My research field is quantum information and scientific computing

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Guangzhou, China

Linus Torvalds torvalds

Linux Foundation Portland, OR

Yuanming Hu yuanming-hu
Ph.D. in Computer Science (MIT CSAIL) Creator of Taichi Lang
Yueh-Hua Tu yuehhua
AI scientist in HII. Bioinformatics Ph.D. in computational biology. Founder of Julia Taiwan. Enthusiast of ML/DL and science.

Human Intelligence Integration Taiwan