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Copyright (C) 2023-2024 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.

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folio-module-sidecar provides following functionality:

  • This project uses Quarkus
  • module independent, uses Okapi Module Descriptors for self-configuration
  • Ingress request routing for underlying module (specified using environment variables)
  • Egress request routing for module-to-module communication


The application can be compiled using:

mvn clean install

See that it says BUILD SUCCESS near the end.

If you want to skip tests:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

The application is packaged as an uber-jar, and it is now runnable using java -jar target/*-runner.jar.

Creating a native executable

You can create a native executable using:

mvn package -Pnative

Or, if you don't have GraalVM installed, you can run the native executable build in a container using:

mvn install -Pnative -DskipTests \
  -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true \

You can then execute your native executable with: ./target/folio-module-sidecar-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar If you want to learn more about building native executables, please consult

Running It

Quarkus sidecar application can be run in development mode.

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using (example for mod-users-18.2.0 from folio-platform-minimal):

mvn clean quarkus:dev \
  -Dquarkus.http.port=19002 \
  -DSIDECAR_URL="http://localhost:19002" \
  -DMODULE_ID="mod-users-18.2.0" \
  -DMODULE_NAME="mod-users" \
  -DMODULE_URL="http://localhost:9002" \
  -DAM_CLIENT_URL="http://mgr-applications:8081" \
  -DTE_CLIENT_URL="http://mgr-tenant-entitlements:8081" \
  -DTM_CLIENT_URL="http://mgr-tenants:8081" \ \


  • $OKAPI_TOKEN is optional, it can be set using command: export OKAPI_TOKEN="$token_value"
  • Remote JVM debugger can be attached using port = 11002.
  • Quarkus now ships with a Dev UI, which is available in dev mode only at http://localhost:19002/q/dev/.

Building And Running JVM Based docker container

This Dockerfile is used in order to build a container that runs the Quarkus application in JVM mode Before building the container image jar file must be compiled (see Compiling section). Then, build the image with:

docker build -t folio-module-sidecar .

Then run the container using:

docker run -i --rm -p 8081:8081 folio-module-sidecar

Building and Running Native docker container

This Dockerfile is used in order to build a container that runs the Quarkus application in native (no JVM) mode. Before building the container image run:

mvn install -Pnative -DskipTests \
  -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true \

Then, build the image with:

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.native-micro -t folio-module-sidecar-native .

Then run the container using:

docker run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 quarkus/sidecar

Building FIPS compatible image

mvn clean -Pfips install
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.fips -t {{image-tag}}:{{image-version}}

Difference between building native executables using a docker-approach and a Graalvm-approach

Using Docker

To build a native executable in a container using a Linux image (e.g. with size 1.29Gb) with the required build tools, use the following command:

mvn package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true

When you use this command, Maven will build a container and run the native-image command inside that container. This means you don't need to install GraalVM and the necessary build tools on your host machine. It requires container runtime (Docker, podman) environment. However, this method may be slower than building natively on your machine, and it takes approximately 40-50 seconds longer than building it on GraalVM. The resulting native executable's size is 63731kb, its Docker image size is 167.82 Mb, and micro docker image size 94.65 Mb

Using GraalVM

To build a native executable of your Quarkus application using GraalVM, use the following command:

mvn install -DskipTests -Pnative

If you use this command, you must have GraalVM and the necessary build tools installed on your machine. Including, Visual Studio C++ build tools, If you use windows. Then, x64 Native Tools Command Prompt should be opened to run previous command to build a native binary. Otherwise, you may encounter errors during the build process. The resulting native binaries size is 64964kb, its docker image's size is 102.56 MB, and micro docker image size 95.91 MB, this approach has some drawbacks executing in a docker container.

In general, if you are developing on a machine that has GraalVM and the necessary build tools installed, it is faster to use GraalVM approach. However, if you don't have GraalVM and the necessary build tools installed, or if you want to build the native executable in a more isolated environment, to get consistent result on different environments you should use container approach. for more details please visit

NOTE: Native micro-image can be generated using Dockerfile

A native micro base image is tuned for Quarkus native executables. It reduces the size of the resulting container image. Check for further information about this image.

Environment Variables

Name Default value Required Description
MODULE_NAME false Underlying module name. If MODULE_ID is not specified, required
MODULE_VERSION false Underlying module version. If MODULE_ID is not specified, required
MODULE_URL true Underlying module URL.
MODULE_HEALTH_PATH /admin/health false Underlying module health check path.
SIDECAR_URL true Self URL for module-to-module communication.
SIDECAR_MODULE_PATH_PREFIX_ENABLED false false Defines if module path prefix is enabled for routing or not. It enables the ability to route properly requests starting with /$moduleName/...
SIDECAR_MODULE_PATH_PREFIX_STRATEGY NONE false Defines if module path prefix strategy, if SIDECAR_MODULE_PATH_PREFIX_ENABLED=true then PROXY is used
REQUEST_TIMEOUT 60000 false Configures the amount of time in milliseconds after which if the request does not return any data within the timeout period fails the request.
RETRY_ATTEMPTS 10 false Sets the maximum number of retries, must be >= -1 (-1 = unlimited).
RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR 2 false Sets the multiplicative factor used to determine delay between retries, must be >= 1.
RETRY_MIN_DELAY 5s false Sets the min delay between retries, must be >= 0.
RETRY_MAX_DELAY 2m false Sets the maximum delay between retries, must be >= 0.
SIDECAR_FORWARD_UNKNOWN_REQUESTS false false Set behavior for EGRESS request. If there are no information about discovery, request will be forwarded to the SIDECAR_FORWARD_UNKNOWN_REQUESTS_DESTINATION
SIDECAR_FORWARD_UNKNOWN_REQUESTS_DESTINATION http://api-gateway:8000 false URL of gateway for routing unknown EGRESS requests. This URL will be used if SIDECAR_FORWARD_UNKNOWN_REQUESTS will be true
TOKEN_CACHE_INITIAL_CAPACITY 10 false Token cache initial capacity.
TOKEN_CACHE_MAX_CAPACITY 50 false Token cache max capacity.
TOKEN_CACHE_REFRESH_PRIOR_EXPIRATION 25 false Specifies the amount of seconds for a cache entry invalidation prior to the token expiration.
ALLOW_CROSS_TENANT_REQUESTS false false Allows cross tenant interactions
SC_SECURITY_PROVIDERS SunRsaSign,SunJCE false Security provider value
SC_TLS_KEYSTORE_PATH - false Keystore file path for sidecar server side.
SC_TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - false Keystore password for sidecar server side.
SC_TLS_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD - false Keystore key password for sidecar server side.
SC_TLS_KEY_STORE_FILE_TYPE BCFKS false Key store file type
SC_TLS_KEY_STORE_PROVIDER BCFIPS false Key store provider
SC_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED false Enables TLS for egress web client
SC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH false Truststore file path for egress web client
SC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD false Truststore password for egress web client
SC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_TYPE false Truststore file type for for egress web client
SC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PROVIDER false Truststore provider for egress web client
WEB_CLIENT_TLS_VERIFY_HOSTNAME false false Defines whether verify hostname for web client or not.

Logging configuration

Default transaction/access log format:

%X{remote-ip} - %X{remote-host} - %X{remote-user} [%d{dd/MM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z}] %X{method} %X{path} %X{protocol} %X{status} %X{bytes} rt=%X{rt}  uct=%X{uct}  uht=%X{uht}  urt=%X{urt}  %X{user-agent} %X{x-okapi-tenant} %X{x-okapi-user-id} %X{x-okapi-request-id} %n
Name Default value Required Description
SC_LOG_LEVEL INFO false Log level for sidecar package: org.folio.sidecar.
ROOT_LOG_LEVEL INFO false Root log level.
SC_ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT default log format false Access log format.

keycloak integration environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
KC_URL http://keycloak:8080 false Keycloak URL.
KC_URI_VALIDATION_ENABLED true false Defines if JsonWebTokenParser compares URI from token with KC_URL value.
KC_JWKS_REFRESH_INTERVAL 60 false Jwks refresh interval for realm JWT parser (in minutes).
KC_FORCED_JWKS_REFRESH_INTERVAL 60 false Forced jwks refresh interval for realm JWT parser (used in signing key rotation, in minutes).
KC_LOGIN_CLIENT_SUFFIX -login-application false Suffix of a Keycloak client who owns the authorization resources. It is used as audience for keycloak when evaluating permissions.
KC_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID sidecar-module-access-client false Tenant specific client id for authenticating egress requests.
KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID folio-backend-admin-client false Master realm specific client id for authenticating requests to manager components.
KC_AUTHORIZATION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE 50 false Maximum amount of entries for keycloak authorization cache.
KC_AUTHORIZATION_CACHE_TTL_OFFSET 5000 false TTL Offset for cached authorization information, positive, in millis.
KC_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED - false Enables TLS for keycloak web client
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for keycloak web client
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for keycloak web client
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_TYPE - false Truststore file type for keycloak web client
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PROVIDER - false Truststore provider for keycloak web client
SIDECAR_IMPERSONATION_CLIENT_NAME impersonation-client false Client name for impersonating users.
KC_INTROSPECTION_TOKEN_CACHE_MAX_SIZE 250 false Token introspection cache max size. It's used as ALLOW_CROSS_TENANT_REQUESTS=true.
KC_INTROSPECTION_INACTIVE_TOKEN_TTL_IN_SEC 3000 false Ttl for inactive tokens records in cache. It's used as ALLOW_CROSS_TENANT_REQUESTS=true.

api-gateway integration environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
GW_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED false Enables TLS for gateway web client
GW_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH false Truststore file path for gateway web client
GW_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD false Truststore password for gateway web client
GW_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_TYPE false Truststore file type for gateway web client
GW_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PROVIDER false Truststore provider for gateway web client

mgr-tenant-entitlements integration environment variables

Web integration configuration

Name Default value Required Description
TE_CLIENT_URL http://mgr-tenant-entitlements:8081 false mgr-tenant-entitlements URL.

Kafka configuration properties for {{env}}.entitlement event

Name Default value Required Description
ENTITLEMENT_SECURITY_PROTOCOL PLAINTEXT false Security protocol for Entitlement consumer.
ENTITLEMENT_TLS_KEY_PASSWORD - false Key password for Entitlement consumer.
ENTITLEMENT_TLS_KEYSTORE_PATH - false Keystore file path for Entitlement consumer.
ENTITLEMENT_TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - false Keystore password for Entitlement kafka event consumer.
ENTITLEMENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for Entitlement consumer.
ENTITLEMENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for Entitlement consumer.
ENTITLEMENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - false Truststore type for Entitlement consumer. PEM, if certificates are provided as PEM using ENTITLEMENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_CERTIFICATES
ENTITLEMENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_CERTIFICATES - false The content of certificate in PEM format for Entitlement consumer.

mgr-tenants integration environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
TM_CLIENT_URL http://mgr-tenants:8081 false mgr-tenants URL.
TM_BATCH_SIZE 50 false Batch size to retrieve tenants from mgr-tenants

mgr-applications integration environment variables

Web integration configuration

Name Default value Required Description
AM_CLIENT_URL http://mgr-applications:8081 false mgr-applications URL.

Kafka configuration properties for {{env}}.discovery event

Name Default value Required Description
DISCOVERY_SECURITY_PROTOCOL PLAINTEXT false Security protocol for Discovery consumer.
DISCOVERY_TLS_KEY_PASSWORD - false Key password for Discovery consumer.
DISCOVERY_TLS_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH - false Keystore file path for Discovery consumer.
DISCOVERY_TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - false Keystore password for Discovery consumer.
DISCOVERY_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for Discovery consumer.
DISCOVERY_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for Discovery consumer.
DISCOVERY_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - false Truststore type for Discovery consumer. PEM, if certificates are provided as PEM using DISCOVERY_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_CERTIFICATES
DISCOVERY_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_CERTIFICATES - false The content of certificate in PEM format for Discovery consumer.

Kafka configuration properties for {{env}}.{{tenant}}.mod-login-keycloak.logout event

Name Default value Required Description
LOGOUT_SECURITY_PROTOCOL PLAINTEXT false Security protocol for Logout events consumer.
LOGOUT_TLS_KEY_PASSWORD - false Key password for Logout events consumer.
LOGOUT_TLS_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH - false Keystore file path for Logout events consumer.
LOGOUT_TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - false Keystore password for Logout events consumer.
LOGOUT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for Logout events consumer.
LOGOUT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for Logout events consumer.
LOGOUT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - false Truststore type for Logout events consumer. PEM, if certificates are provided as PEM using LOGOUT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_CERTIFICATES
LOGOUT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_CERTIFICATES - false The content of certificate in PEM format for Logout events consumer.

mod-users-keycloak integration environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
MOD_USERS_KEYCLOAK_URL http://mod-users-keycloak:8081 true Mod-users-keycloak module url.
MOD_USERS_KEYCLOAK_CACHE_INITIAL_CAPACITY 50 false Initial users cache size.
MOD_USERS_KEYCLOAK_CACHE_MAX_CAPACITY 1000 false Max user cache size.

Secure storage environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
SECRET_STORE_TYPE - true Secure storage type. Supported values: EPHEMERAL, AWS_SSM, VAULT



Name Default value Description
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_REGION - The AWS region to pass to the AWS SSM Client Builder. If not set, the AWS Default Region Provider Chain is used to determine which region to use.
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ACCESS_KEY - The AWS access key to pass to the AWS SSM Client.
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_SECRET_KEY - The AWS secret key to pass to the AWS SSM Client.
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_USE_IAM true If true, will rely on the current IAM role for authorization instead of explicitly providing AWS credentials (access_key/secret_key)
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ECS_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT - The HTTP endpoint to use for retrieving AWS credentials. This is ignored if useIAM is true
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ECS_CREDENTIALS_PATH - The path component of the credentials endpoint URI. This value is appended to the credentials endpoint to form the URI from which credentials can be obtained.
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_FIPS_ENABLED false Configure whether the AWS SDK should use the AWS fips endpoints.
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - Truststore file relative path (should start from a leading slash) for FIPS mode.



Name Default value Description
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_TOKEN - token for accessing vault, may be a root token
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_ADDRESS - the address of your vault
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_ENABLE_SSL false whether or not to use SSL
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_PEM_FILE_PATH - the path to an X.509 certificate in unencrypted PEM format, using UTF-8 encoding
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - the password used to access the JKS keystore (optional)
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH - the path to a JKS keystore file containing a client cert and private key
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_PATH - the path to a JKS truststore file containing Vault server certs that can be trusted


Authorizing user in the sidecar

Authorizing user in the sidecar


  • Check the signature and hash validity for the JWT (done automatically by the JWT parser).
    • This request is used to retrieve JWK certificates from Keycloak:
    curl --location --request POST '<keycloak>/realms/<tenantName>/protocol/openid-connect/certs
  • Check the corresponding issuer
  • Validate that token is not expired (done automatically by the JWT parser)
  • Extract tenant from token and compare it with x-okapi-tenant
  • Extract user_id JWT claim from token and put it as x-okapi-user-id header if not set (the JWT claim is mapped from corresponding keycloak user attribute).
  • Send authorization request to Keycloak for exchanging access token for RPT. If RPT response is ok, then access is granted and the token is cached until expired.
    • RPT request example:
    curl --location --request POST '<keycloak>/realms/diku/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <okapiToken>' \
    --data-urlencode 'grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket' \
    --data-urlencode 'audience=diku-login-application' \
    --data-urlencode 'permission=/users#GET'


  • Retrieve tenant specific client credentials from KC_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID and KC_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET env variables.
  • Send authorization request to Keycloak for obtaining a token for service account user.
    • Authorization request example:
    curl --location --request POST '<keycloak>/realms/diku/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=sidecar-module-access-client' \
    --data-urlencode 'client_secret=supersecret'

Access logging

  • For access logging Common Log Format(host ident authuser date request status bytes user-agent) is used,
  • value: %X{remote-ip} %X{remote-host} %X{remote-user} %d{dd/MM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z} %X{method} %X{path} %X{protocol} %X{status} %X{bytes} rt=%X{rt} uct=%X{uct} uht=%X{uht} urt=%X{urt} %X{user-agent} %X{x-okapi-tenant} %X{x-okapi-user-id} %X{x-okapi-request-id} %m%n
  • A new format can be configured with env variable SC_ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT. Access logging attributes are configured with Mapped Diagnostic Context, example: %X{uct}, see:
  • Available MDC properties
Name Description
remote-ip The remote address for this connection
remote-host The request authority. For HTTP/2 the :authority pseudo header is returned, for HTTP/1.x the Host header is returned
remote-user Remote user header value.
method The HTTP method for the request
path The path part of the uri.
protocol The HTTP version of the request.
bytes The response size in bytes.
rt Request time. The total time spent processing a request.
uct Upstream connect time. The time spent on establishing a connection with an upstream server.
uht Upstream header time. The time between establishing a connection and receiving the first byte of the response header from the upstream server.
urt Upstream response time. The time between establishing a connection and receiving the last byte of the response body from the upstream server.
user-agent User agent
x-okapi-tenant OKAPI tenant header value.
x-okapi-user-id OKAPI user id header value.
x-okapi-request-id OKAPI request id header value.