5.0.0 (2023-10-12)
Full Changelog
Add action for duplicate order template. Refs UIOR-1056.
Success toast message is not shown at the start of export. Refs UIOR-1089.
Keyboard shortcuts issues. Refs UIOR-1086.
A user can save duplicated order template name with only spaces before and after initial template name. Refs UIOR-1114.
Support new error multipleFiscalYears
code. Refs UIOR-1104.
Some values are displayed by default in "View" mode for empty fields in the order template. Refs UIOR-1103.
Automatically set to Independent order and receipt quantity if a user selects Receipt not required. Refs UIOR-1015.
Ability to edit Ongoing order information of Open orders. Refs UIOR-1102.
Add pagination to "Related invoices" accordion PO. Refs UIOR-1106.
Add pagination to "Related invoices" accordion POL. Refs UIOR-1024.
Removing a row in the locations fields array containing both location and holding causes problem with displaying first column name. Refs UIOR-1130.
Update related invoice details to include additional fields. Refs UIOR-1131.
Upgrade Node.js
to 18
version in GitHub Actions. Refs UIOR-1135.
BREAKING : Upgrade React
to 18
version. Refs UIOR-1134.
Provide a human-readable error message for encumbrancesForReEncumberNotFound
code. Refs UIOR-1143.
Show a message about the missing version in the history. Refs UIOR-1136.
BREAKING : bump react-intl
to v6.4.4
. Refs UIOR-1146.
When order line contains bad product IDs - the save & close does not work. Refs UIOR-1141.
Upgrade ui-plugin-find-po-line
and ui-plugin-find-organization
plugins to 5
version. Refs UIOR-1154.
POL - Display only active account numbers in dropdown list. Refs UIOR-1142.
Use a provided tenantId
when loading an instance in a PO line form. Refs UIOR-1159.
You can’t perform that action at this time.