released this
31 Oct 12:19
UITEN-274 Use Save & close button label stripes-component translation key.
UITEN-280 Conditionally include SSO Settings based on login-saml interface.
UITEN-286 Add new interface. Add new permission to view reading room access in tenant settings.
UITEN-287 Add new permission to create, edit and remove reading room access in tenant settings.
UITEN-277 Ensure Reading Room Access settings page is wrapped by Title Manager
UITEN-276 Reading Room Access (settings): Basic Layout.
UITEN-278 Reading Room Access (settings): Create new reading room.
UITEN-282 Reading Room Access (settings): Update reading room.
UITEN-283 Reading Room Access (settings): Delete reading room.
UITEN-290 Make dependency on mod-reading-rooms optional.
UITEN-298 Update translation ids for reading room.
UITEN-301 Display Reading room access in alphabetical order on settings page.
UITEN-212 Permission changes for service point management.
UITEN-299 Rewrite class components to functional ones (ui-tenant-settings module).
UITEN-304 Provide case insensitive sorted data to edit record, field components.
UITEN-302 Address existing UI issues on Settings > Tenant > Locations
UITEN-305 Permission changes for service point management (ECS environment)
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