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NikkoJT edited this page Jun 10, 2021 · 1 revision
File location f\medical, description.ext
Enabled by default? Mostly
Enable/Disable in init.sqf, description.ext
Runs on Server/Client

By default, FA3 configures the vanilla medical system in the following ways:

In init.sqf:

  • The medical system is called.
  • The CLS event handler is called (commented out by default).

In description.ext:

  • Revive Mode is set to mode 1 - enabled.
  • Damage Mode is set to mode 1 - advanced.
  • Revive trait requirement is set to mode 0 - medic trait is not required to revive.
  • Revive required items is set to mode 2 - a FAK or medikit is required to revive.
  • Revive item consumption is set to mode 1 - FAKs are consumed when reviving.
  • Revive time is set to 15 seconds.
  • Revive speed multipliers for medics is set to 2x - medics take half as long to revive someone.
  • Force respawn time is set to 99999 seconds - force respawn is also disabled elsewhere.
  • Bleedout time is set to 240 seconds.

In f\medical\init.sqf:

  • Default healing event handlers are removed. This apparently "restores the vanilla FAK and medikit behaviour" [ed.note: clarification required]
  • A script is added that ensures players are only at 75% health when revived.
  • The Force Respawn action for downed players is removed.
  • The F3 drag action is added.

In f\medical\fn_addDragAction.sqf and f\medical\fn_onDrag.sqf:

  • The F3 dragging system is set up, adding an action to downed players that allows people to drag them around with an animation. Note: players cannot move while in the dragging state if they are in Combat Pace.

In f\medical\f_clsEH.sqf:

  • The F3 Combat Life Saver event handler is set up. This allows units with the custom "cls" trait to use FAKs to heal people to full health. CLS units do not receive other medic bonuses like faster revives or medikit use. By default, the "cls" assignGear class adds the "cls" trait. This is not used by any standard template units.
  • Note that if you wish to use the CLS system in your mission, this must be enabled in init.sqf.
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