A brotli decoder in elm!
Brotli is a compression algorithm much like the one zip archives use, but better: it is faster, more compact, and specifically geared towards web content and English text.
This package decodes Bytes
sequences that are compressed with the brotli algorithm:
import Bytes exposing (Bytes)
import Bytes.Encode as Encode
import Bytes.Decode as Decode
import Brotli
bytes : List Int
bytes =
[ 27, 14, 0, 248, 37, 20, 82, 144, 66, 20, 169, 91, 100, 234, 20, 193 ]
buffer : Bytes
buffer =
|> List.map Encode.unsignedInt8
|> Encode.sequence
|> Encode.encode
result =
Brotli.decode buffer
|> Result.toMaybe
|> Maybe.andThen (\v -> Decode.decode (Decode.string (Bytes.width v)) v)
--> Just "this is a test\n"
This is an awful format to implement, especially when porting c-style javascript code to a functional language like elm. Therefore:
- the implementation is relatively slow, roughly 1MB/s (huge error bars on that number)
- there are probably still bugs (likely with 1-character fixes)
If you run into these issues with a specific input, let me know.