Libspiro, version 0.5.20150702
Spiro is the creation of Raph Levien, which simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves.
Libspiro is a shareable library that can be used by programs to do the Spiro computations for you.
Main improvements you may notice in this release are:
- Re-edit of libspiro to compile across more and older compilers.
- Bug fix in call-test.c to sawtooth through POSIX test for platforms
that have less (or more) than 300 (minimum) threads available at a time. - Verified data check (versus visual inspection) to ensure libspiro works.
- Separated call-test into 6 different tests for easier determination of
if libspiro is passing or failing (call-testm still does over 3000 tests). - Display configure flags (normally hidden by run silent/quiet mode, plus
added LS_CFLAGS and LS_LIB overrides if you want to use other flags instead
of the auto-inserted defaults.
(added libspiro-dist-0.5.20150702.tar.gz - 2017-02-11)