A music community platform in PHP. Powers Libre.fm (2009-2022) -- plans are afoot for a new piece of software to run Libre.fm
License: Affero GPL version 3.0 or later.
- Michael Sheldon (elleo)
- Clint Adams (clint)
- Jørgen Bøhnsdalen (jurg)
- Matt Lee (mattl)
- Toby Inkster (tobyink)
- Jonas Haraldsson (kabniel)
- Justin Baugh (baughj)
- Carlos Perilla (deepspawn)
- Donald R Robertson III (donald)
- Evan Hanson (evhan)
- Nicolas Reynolds (fauno)
- Corey Farwell (frewsxcv)
- Bernd Gruber (grubernd)
- Marius Orcsik (habarnam)
- David Mignot (idflood)
- Jarkko Piiroinen (jarkko)
- John Sullivan (johnsu01)
- Joshua Gay (josh)
- Mikael Nordfeldth (mmn)
- Nikola Plejic (nikolaplejic)
- Daniel Watkins (odd_bloke)
- Rhea Myers rheaplex
- Tony Biondo (tonyb486)
- Ward Vandewege (cure)