- Acts as a central source for domain registration
- Translates domains into phone numbers
- Checks is a host is alive
Registers a domain against a number with the DNS service.
The senders number is stored as the host for the given domain.
REG <domain>
REG fluffyalpacas
Already Registered
Requests the host phone number for a given domain
GET fluffyalpacas
OK 07879999999
Domain not found
- Responds to GET requets for content
Requests a resource from a Host.
The sender is assumed to be the device requesting the resource, so the host will respond using the number of the sender.
GET alpacas A7 0
OK A7010901 Alpacas are very fluffy and lovable
Content Not Found
- Session ID - 8 bits
- Frame Number - 8 bits
- Total Frames - 8 bits
- Content Flags - 8 bits
- Randomly generated number between 0 and 255.
- Uniquely identifies a request to prevent stray messages causing issues
- Sent with the GET request, and included in each response frame.
- Used to determine the order that that packets should be reconsteructed in
- Starts at 0 and increments by one for each frame to a maximum of 255
- Sent in each response frame
- Used to tell the client how many frames to expect for a complete response
- Valid range 1 - 255
- Sent with each response frame
- 8 bits sent with each content frame
- Each bit is a binary flag describing the content
- Content Type - 0 = plain text, 1 = markup
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused