seneca-gossip a cluster solution using gossip protocols for seneca.
- Cluster : A set of nodes joined together through the membership service.
- Auto-discovery : Auto make client when a new node joined.
The gossip's port default is options.port+1 .
The server2 join the cluster with seed -
The client join the cluster with seed - too, it also can client to the server2 with gossip.
So you can start a node with a known active node in the cluster, and then you can call the service with {role: xxx, cmd:xxx} but don't need to care about their physical location in the cluster.
var Seneca = require('seneca');
var Gossip = new require('../index');
var seneca = new Seneca();
seneca.add({role: 'api', cmd: 'add'}, function (msg, respond) {
var result = msg.left + msg.right;
respond(null, {result: result});
var options = {port: 4444, type: 'tcp', host: '', pin: 'role:api'};
var seneca2 = new Seneca();
seneca2.add({role: 'api', cmd: 'mcl'}, function (msg, respond) {
var result = msg.left * msg.right;
respond(null, {result: result});
var options2 = {port: 4454, type: 'tcp', host: '', pin: 'role:api',
seeds: ['']};
var Seneca = require('seneca');
var seneca = new Seneca();
var Gossip = new require('../index');
Gossip(seneca).start({port: 6666, type: 'tcp', host: '', seeds: ['']});
setInterval(function () {
seneca.act({role: "api", cmd: "add", left: 2, right: 3}, function (e, r) {
console.log("2 + 3 =", r.result);
seneca.act({role: "api", cmd: "mcl", left: 2, right: 3}, function (e, r) {
console.log("2 * 3 =", r.result);
}, 2000);
2 + 3 = 5
2 * 3 = 6
- add test cases
- handle some exception. like outtime...
- add cluster sharding support
- ...
Both the gossip protocol and the failure detection algorithms are based off of academic papers and Cassandra's ( implementation of those papers. This library is highly indebted to both.