To realize a sheet page, with the size of 100 * 100, can support basic formula.
- Click the grid, to input some values.
- If the input value is numeric, the grid has this value, or else its value is 0.
- When losing focus or moving to other grids, the editing of the grid takes effect.
- Use Shift + Arrow Keys to move to adjacent grids.
- Enter key can help to move to the lower grid too.
- Can scroll horizontally or vertically.
- Can input formula by starting with "=", e.g. "= A1 + A2 - 10".
- "+ - * / %" are supported in the formula.
- Supported functions: MIN(...) MAX(...) SUM(...), e.g. "= SUM(100, 200, A1, B1) + MIN(A2, B2)"
- ":" can be used to represent all the grids in a rectangle, e.g. "= SUM(A1:B2)"
- The formula grid's text is shown in blue.
- You'll get a red "error" displayed in the grid when you put some incorrect formula in.
- Focusing on the error grid, the reason will be shown, e.g. recursive references between grids.
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Github page link: