Table of contents
- Index entries and other elements in Elasticsearch
- Customize Index data structures via hooks
- Define Index Templates to configure the Index and its fields and mapping in Elasticsearch
- Re-Index contents via utility or console command
- Craft CMS >= 5.x
Elastica Version | Craft Version | ElasticSearch Version |
4.x | 5.x | 8.x |
3.x | 5.x | 7.x |
2.x | 4.x | 7.x |
1. Install
Install the package
cd /path/to/project
composer require fork/craft-elastica
2. Configuration
Go to the plugin settings page and enter a index prefix name which is prepended to the indexes being created in Elasticsearch. The name of the index is generated from this prefix. Also provide the hostname of the elasticsearch instance.
To generate the data to index register event handlers in your own module or plugin class like this:
// initialize elasticsearch indexer
function (IndexerInitEvent $event) {
// build elasticsearch index data
function (IndexEvent $event) {
// build your custom data structure to index
$indexData = MyCustomPlugin::$plugin->mySearchService->getIndexData($event->sender);
$event->indexData = $indexData;
You can make the plugin's configuration environment based by adding an elastica.php file in your config directory with the following contents. This is just an example, you can name your environment variables as you want.
use craft\helpers\App;
return [
'indexingEnabled' => App::env('ELASTICSEARCH_INDEXING_ENABLED') ?? true,
'hosts' => [
- Logo
- Index categories
- Maybe include search proxy
- Exclude sites via settings
- Show index info / test index in utility
- More documentation

Brought to you by Fork Unstable Media GmbH