2. Add
<script src="https://spookykipper.github.io/vPanel-Tweaks/hider.js"></script>
to the Bottom Advert Section
Or you can self host it with Github Pages if you need to make changes yourself
- Hide Unwanted/Premium Hosting Buttons on the homepage. (*NOT* Including the Upgrade Page one as it is against the ToS)
- Hide Password, Email Changing Buttons (In favour of Client Areas)
- Replaces File Manager Button with HTTPS for Security
- Hide Site Builder Button on Addon Domains and Subdomains Page.
- Hide the Sidebar (I don't see a point of having it, there's only two buttons)
- Change File Manager and Tutorial Link(Configurable)
Set the variables before this script loads. Example:
var tutolink = "https://forum.spookhost.eu.org/t/tutorials"; //Replace it with your Link *INCLUDE HTTP(S) PROTOCOL
var filelink = "files.spookhost.eu.org"; //Replace it with your Link, Must be Monsta FTP HOST EDITION, *DO NOT INCLUDE HTTP(S) PROTOCOL OR TRAILING SLASH)
<script src="https://spookykipper.github.io/vPanel-Tweaks/hider.js"></script>