- Catalog Number: 33534
- Lectures/Discussion: 1010 DOW, TuTh 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Member (uniqname) | Role | Office Hours |
Peter Honeyman (honey) | Faculty | 4777 BBB. By appointment or drop-in |
HyunJong (Joseph) Lee (hyunjong) | GSI | BBB Learning Center. By appointment |
This is a graduate level course on computer networking focusing on advanced topics and is a must for anyone interested in doing research in computer networks. This class examines current and emerging research topics in computer networking. Topics covered include network protocols, network measurement, Internet routing, peer to peer networks, network security, wireless, and sensor networks.
The course consists of both a reading/lecture/discussion component and a project component. Emphasis of the course is on topics in wide-area networks, wireless networks, and measurement methodologies for Internet and wireless experiments. Significant emphasis will be put on security and network management issues related to computer networks, as these are becoming increasingly important given the growing number attacks and complexity of networks. We focus both on existing technologies and on why some of them are not sufficient because of technology trends or changes in fundamental assumptions. As an example, early designers of Internet assumed cooperative behavior of end nodes. The state of the art of millions of compromised hosts completely changes this assumption and today's landscape on the Internet. We will read about 50 research papers on the most recent topics of computer networking.
Students are expected to carry out a research project including analysis, design, and implementation components when appropriate on a novel subject. The class projects can be any of the following types: algorithm design applied to networked system, implementation of a novel networking system, measurement of existing network protocols, and simulation of a proposed network algorithm. We emphasize problems that are real and solutions that will make a difference, ideally can be deployed.
The lecture will be conducted in an interactive fashion. The instructors will lead the discussion for the first few meetings of the class, but everyone must participate. For the remainder of the class, each student (can be in groups) will present a paper. Students will read and review papers before class. You will be graded on reviews; class discussions; and project scope, effort, and results.
Students are expected to have good programming skills and must have taken at least one undergraduate-level systems-related course (from operating systems, databases, distributed systems, and networking).
This course has no textbook. The class will select and discuss recent papers from the networking literature in order to understand trends in networking research. Students will select papers, focusing primarily on SIGCOMM 2018 but also including Mobicom 2018, and NSDI 2019, and lead discussions. If you can't find any interesting papers there, try older (but still recent) SIGCOMM conferences, IMC, or SIGCOMM Test-of-Time papers.
Papers to be selected from but not limited to:
Students who satisfactorily complete all assigned work will receive a B+ or better.
The Engineering Honor Code applies to all activities related to this course.
All activities of this course will be performed in groups of 3 students, two Master's students teamed up with one Doctoral student. Exceptions may be made for valid reasons (e.g., working on existing projects) once the instructor team approved.
Declare your group's membership and paper preferences by January 16, 2019. After this date, we will form groups from the remaining students.
The course will be conducted as a seminar. Two students will present in each class. Each student will be assigned to present a pair of papers at least twice throughout the semester. Presentations should last at most 45 minutes without interruption. However, presenters should expect questions and interruptions throughout. You should sign-up for the desired presentation date here.
In the presentation, you should:
- Motivate the paper and provide background.
- Present the high-level idea, approach, and/or insight (using examples, whenever appropriate).
- Discuss technical details so that one can understand the key details without carefully reading it.
- Explain the difference between this paper and related work.
- Raise questions throughout the presentation to generate discussion.
Every student is required to review the two papers assigned for each class. One of these reviews can be brief, summarizing the main contributions of the paper and one critical assessment (e.g., how the paper could be improved, or compares to related work, or advances the state of the art). This brief review should be about a paragraph in length.
The second review should be up to one page long, explaining in detail the contributions and context of the paper. This review should address the following four questions in about a paragraph each.
- What is the problem addressed by the paper, and why is this problem important?
- What is the hypothesis of the work?
- What is the proposed solution, and what key insight guides their solution?
- What is one (or more) drawback or limitation of the proposal, and how will you improve it?
Reviews must be uploaded to https://hotcrp.eecs589.org. The list of papers can be found at here (note that you must sign up with umich.edu email).
Late reviews will not be counted. You should use this template for writing your summary. Allocate enough time for your reading, discuss as a group, write the summary carefully, and finally, include key observations from the class discussion.
You must read and review every assigned paper.
You are expected to attend all lectures (you may skip up to 2 lectures for legitimate reasons), and more importantly, participate in class discussions.
You will complete substantive work an instructor-approved problem and have original contribution. Surveys are not permitted as projects; instead, each project must contain a survey of background and related work. You must meet the following milestones (unless otherwise specified in future announcements) to ensure a high-quality project at the end of the semester:
- Turn in a 2-page draft proposal (including references) by January 30. Remember to include the names and Michigan email addresses of the group members.
- Keep revising your initial idea and incorporate instructor feedback. However, your team and project proposal must be finalized and approved on or before February 11.
- Each group must submit a 4-page mid-semester progress report and present mid-semester progress during class hours on the week of March 14.
- Each group must prepare for 5 to 15 minutes presentation for mid-semester progress during class hours on March 14.
- Each group must present their final results during a presentation or poster session on April 16.
- Each group must turn in an 8-page final report and your code via email on or before 11:59PM EST on April 17. The report must be submitted as a PDF file, with formatting similar to that of the papers you've read in the class. The self-contained (i.e., include ALL dependencies) code must be submitted as a zip file. Each zip file containing the code must include a README file with a step-by-step guide on how to compile and run the provided code.
- Format should be 3x4 feet (approximately 0.75x1.0 meters) poster and must be emailed to Joseph by 11:59pm EST April 15.
This course syllabus is heavily influenced by Mosharaf Chowdhury's EECS 598.