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opinionated scaffolder for JavaScript projects

REPLACED BY @form8ion/javascript

Codecov Node CI Workflow Status

Table of Contents


  • Sets the node.js version to the latest or LTS version (your choice) using nvm
  • Scaffolds the package.json
    • Enables linting of:
  • Enables transpilation with Babel
  • Defines and enforces the commit message convention
  • Defines badges for inclusion in the
  • Defines files to be ignored from git and npm
  • Scaffolds CI service config from the user choice of the provided scaffolders


npm node MIT license


$ npm install @travi/javascript-scaffolder --save-prod

As one of the languages for scaffolding a project

This scaffolder is intended to be used to scaffold the language specific details within the project-scaffolder.


const {dialects, projectTypes} = require('@form8ion/javascript-core');
const {scaffold: scaffoldJavaScript, questionNames} = require('./lib/index.cjs');
(async () => {
  const accountName = 'form8ion';

  await scaffoldJavaScript({
    projectRoot: process.cwd(),
    projectName: 'project-name',
    visibility: 'Public',
    license: 'MIT',
    configs: {
      eslint: {scope: `@${accountName}`},
      remark: `@${accountName}/remark-lint-preset`,
      babelPreset: {name: `@${accountName}`, packageName: `@${accountName}/babel-preset`},
      commitlint: {name: `@${accountName}`, packageName: `@${accountName}/commitlint-config`}
    overrides: {npmAccount: accountName},
    ciServices: {},
    unitTestFrameworks: {},
    decisions: {
      [questionNames.DIALECT]: dialects.BABEL,
      [questionNames.NODE_VERSION_CATEGORY]: 'LTS',
      [questionNames.PACKAGE_MANAGER]: 'npm',
      [questionNames.PROJECT_TYPE]: projectTypes.PACKAGE,
      [questionNames.SHOULD_BE_SCOPED]: true,
      [questionNames.SCOPE]: accountName,
      [questionNames.AUTHOR_NAME]: 'Your Name',
      [questionNames.AUTHOR_EMAIL]: 'you@domain.tld',
      [questionNames.AUTHOR_URL]: '',
      [questionNames.UNIT_TESTS]: true,
      [questionNames.INTEGRATION_TESTS]: true


projectRoot string (required)

path to the root of the project

projectName string (required)

name of the project (w/o a scope)

visibility string (required)

visibility of the project (Public or Private)

license string (required)
vcs object (required)
  • host string (required) VCS hosting service
  • owner string (required) account name on the host service for the repository
  • name string (required) repository name
description string (optional)

short summary of the project

configs object (optional)
  • eslint: object (optional) details about the shareable config to be used for the project

    • packageName string (required) name of the npm package
    • prefix string (required) name to be used when referring to the config within the .eslintrc files

    ⚠️ while i'm not confident that it is the recommended convention, it is assumed the defined config has a rules/ directory exposed from the package with rulesets defined for

    • es6.js
    • tests/base.js
    • tests/mocha.js
  • commitlint object (optional) details about the shareable config to be used for the project

    • packageName string (required) name of the npm package
    • name string (required) name to be used when referring to the config within the .commitlintrc.js file
  • babelPreset object (optional) details about the preset to be used for the project

    • packageName string (required) name of the npm package
    • name string (required) shorthand name to be used when referring to the config
overrides object (optional)
  • npmAccount string (optional) the account the package should be published under. used to suggest a scope. defaults to $ npm whoami

  • author object (optional) details about the package author

    • name string (required) defaults to $npm config get
    • email string (optional) defaults to $npm config get
    • url string (optional) defaults to $npm config get
registries object (optional)
  • keys: string Scope of packages related to this registry (without the @)
  • values: string URL for the registry
ciServices object (optional)
  • keys: string Name of the service
  • values: object
    • scaffolder: function (required) scaffolds the ci service options
    • public: boolean (optional) whether this service should be presented as a public option
    • private: boolean (optional) whether this service should be presented as a private option
applicationTypes object (optional)
  • keys: string Name of the type of application
  • values: object
    • scaffolder function (required) scaffolds the application
unitTestFrameworks object (required)

frameworks to be passed to the unit-testing scaffolder


Conventional Commits Commitizen friendly semantic-release PRs Welcome Renovate


$ nvm install
$ npm install


$ npm test

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