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extend stubs
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joaomhmpereira committed Apr 4, 2024
1 parent 20ebb8b commit a0822cb
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Showing 5 changed files with 58 additions and 40 deletions.
29 changes: 0 additions & 29 deletions api/build_enums.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ extern "C" void build_enums(){
to_cpp_stream <<
" | " << name << " -> " << i << std::endl;
of_cpp_stream << " | " << i << " -> " << name << std::endl;
of_cpp_stream << " | _ -> assert false" << std::endl;
std::cout << "module Kind = struct" << std::endl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,32 +96,4 @@ extern "C" void build_enums(){
<< to_string_stream.str() << std::endl
<< to_cpp_stream.str() << std::endl
<< of_cpp_stream.str() << "end" << std::endl;

// type_stream.str("");
// to_string_stream.str("");
// to_cpp_stream.str("");
// of_cpp_stream.str("");

// type_stream << "type t =" << std::endl;
// to_string_stream << "let to_string = function" << std::endl;
// to_cpp_stream << "let to_cpp = function" << std::endl;
// of_cpp_stream << "let of_cpp = function" << std::endl;
// for (int i = 0; i < (int)ProofRule::UNKNOWN; i += 1){
// std::string ln(std::string(toString((ProofRule)i)));
// std::string name(ln);
// for (int j = 1; j < name.length(); j += 1)
// name[j] = std::tolower(name[j]);
// type_stream << " | " << name << std::endl;
// to_string_stream <<
// " | " << name << " -> " << '"' << ln << '"' << std::endl;
// to_cpp_stream <<
// " | " << name << " -> " << i << std::endl;
// of_cpp_stream << " | " << i << " -> " << name << std::endl;
// }
// of_cpp_stream << " | _ -> assert false" << std::endl;
// std::cout << "module ProofRule = struct" << std::endl
// << type_stream.str() << std::endl
// << to_string_stream.str() << std::endl
// << to_cpp_stream.str() << std::endl
// << of_cpp_stream.str() << "end" << std::endl;
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
open Cvc5_enums

exception Error of string

let _ = Callback.register_exception "cvc5Exception" (Error "")

module Kind = Kind
module Kind = Cvc5_enums.Kind
module RoundingMode = Cvc5_enums.RoundingMode

module TermManager =
Expand All @@ -29,6 +28,10 @@ module Term =
type term = Cvc5_external.term

let id = Cvc5_external.term_id
let equal = Cvc5_external.term_equal
let kind t = Kind.of_cpp @@ Cvc5_external.term_kind t
let sort = Cvc5_external.term_sort
let to_string = Cvc5_external.term_to_string
let mk_const = Cvc5_external.mk_const
let mk_const_s = Cvc5_external.mk_const_s
Expand All @@ -38,6 +41,8 @@ struct
let mk_false = Cvc5_external.mk_false
let mk_bool = Cvc5_external.mk_bool
let mk_int = Cvc5_external.mk_int
let mk_rm (tm : (rm : RoundingMode.t) =
Cvc5_external.mk_roundingmode tm (RoundingMode.to_cpp rm)

module Result =
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions cvc5.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
exception Error of string

module Kind = Cvc5_enums.Kind
module RoundingMode = Cvc5_enums.RoundingMode

module TermManager :
Expand All @@ -25,6 +26,10 @@ module Term :
type term

val id : term -> int
val equal : term -> term -> bool
val kind : term -> Kind.t
val sort : term -> Sort.sort
val to_string : term -> string
val mk_const : -> Sort.sort -> term
val mk_const_s : -> Sort.sort -> string -> term
Expand All @@ -33,6 +38,7 @@ sig
val mk_false : -> term
val mk_bool : -> bool -> term
val mk_int : -> int -> term
val mk_rm : -> RoundingMode.t -> term

module Result :
Expand Down
21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ and learned_lit_type = ptr
and block_model_mode = ptr
and find_synth_target = ptr

external result_is_sat : result -> bool = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_result_is_sat"
external result_is_unsat : result -> bool = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_result_is_unsat"
external result_is_unknown : result -> bool = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_result_is_unknown"
external result_is_sat : result -> bool = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_result_is_sat" [@@noalloc]
external result_is_unsat : result -> bool = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_result_is_unsat" [@@noalloc]
external result_is_unknown : result -> bool = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_result_is_unknown" [@@noalloc]
external mk_true : term_manager -> term = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_true"
external mk_false : term_manager -> term = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_false"
external mk_bool : term_manager -> bool -> term = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_bool"
Expand All @@ -49,17 +49,22 @@ external get_string_sort : term_manager -> sort = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_get_string_so
external mk_bitvector_sort : term_manager -> int -> sort = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_bitvector_sort"
external mk_const_s : term_manager -> sort -> string -> term = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_const_s"
external mk_const : term_manager -> sort -> term = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_const"
external mk_roundingmode : term_manager -> int -> term = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_rounding_mode"
external term_to_string : term -> string = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_to_string"
external term_equal : term -> term -> bool = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_equal" [@@noalloc]
external term_id : term -> int = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_id" [@@noalloc]
external term_kind : term -> int = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_kind" [@@noalloc]
external term_sort : term -> sort = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_sort"
external new_solver : term_manager -> solver = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_new_solver"
external new_term_manager : unit -> term_manager = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_new_term_manager"
external delete_term_manager : term_manager -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_delete_term_manager"
external delete : solver -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_delete"
external assert_formula : solver -> term -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_assert_formula"
external assert_formula : solver -> term -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_assert_formula" [@@noalloc]
external check_sat : solver -> result = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_check_sat"
external set_logic : solver -> string -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_set_logic"
external set_logic : solver -> string -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_set_logic" [@@noalloc]
external simplify : solver -> term -> term = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_simplify"
external push : solver -> int -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_push"
external pop : solver -> int -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_pop"
external reset_assertions : solver -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_reset_assertions"
external push : solver -> int -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_push" [@@noalloc]
external pop : solver -> int -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_pop" [@@noalloc]
external reset_assertions : solver -> unit = "ocaml_cvc5_stub_reset_assertions" [@@noalloc]

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions cvc5_stubs.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,6 +221,27 @@ CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_delete_term_manager(value v){

CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_equal(value t1, value t2){
return Val_bool(*Term_val(t1) == *Term_val(t2));

CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_id(value v){
return Val_int(Term_val(v)->getId());

CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_kind(value v){
return Val_int(Term_val(v)->getKind());

CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_term_sort(value v){
value custom = Val_unit;
new(&sort_operations, &custom)
return custom;

CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_true(value v){
cvc5::TermManager* term_manager = TermManager_val(v);
value custom = Val_unit;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,6 +327,16 @@ CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_term(value v, value kind, value t){

CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_mk_rounding_mode(value v, value rm){
cvc5::TermManager* term_manager = TermManager_val(v);
value custom = Val_unit;
new(&term_operations, &custom)
return custom;

CAMLprim value ocaml_cvc5_stub_get_boolean_sort(value v){
cvc5::TermManager* term_manager = TermManager_val(v);
value custom = Val_unit;
Expand Down

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