Don't miss any GitLab merge requests or issues and rocket up your productivity.
Chrome Web Store | Firefox Add-on | Microsoft Edge Add-on
Gitlab Notify is able to:
- List Merge Requests you are assigned to
- List Merge Requests you created
- List Issues you are assigned to
- Display your To-Do List
It comes with a bunch of features to let you access easily the information you're looking for and is customizable so it fits your needs.
List of issues:
To-Do list:
Install dependencies:
npm ci
Copy dev config file and set your personal GitLab token in it:
npm run copy-config:setup
To build prod:
npm run build:prod && npm run zip
Then, you get zipped packages for each browser that are supported.
- Neutrino
- Neutrino for WebExtensions
- React
- Primer Components
- Octoicons
- Mozilla Documentation for WebExtensions
Corentin Mors |
Paola Ducolin | Bradley Cushing |