Returns a visionmedia/debug instance with the namespace set to a prefixed application name. The path to the javascript file gets relatively namespaced based on the absolute path and the given namespace in the actual node module
$ npm install getdebug
// myapp/index.js
var getDebug = require("getdebug")(process.env.APP_NAME, __dirname);
// e.g. set with express as a "global" setting
app.set("getdebug", getDebug);
// in myapp/lib/controllers/foo.js
var getDebug = app.get("getdebug");
var debug = getDebug(__filename)
debug("Hello from here");
This is what you will see:
$ APP_NAME=example DEBUG=example* node myapp/index.js
example(27720):lib:controllers:foo Hello from here +1ms