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QfTest Test Suite User Manual

Anton Kolesov edited this page Mar 15, 2018 · 9 revisions

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Qf-Test Installation

Information about Qf-Test installation may be found here.


  1. Open project_templates_tests.qft test-suite in Qf-Test.

  2. Connect your board to your computer, choose the core, configure drivers (for OpenOCD on Windows).

  3. Set test-suite parameters for your test run (board, core, gdbServer and other options).

  4. Set debugger behaviour in "Debugger/Options" menu. You can set "Break on uncaught exceptions" option and then your test-run will stop if uncaught exception has been thrown. When on pause you can investigate what caused the exception in the run-log and edit test-suite commands if necessary, then continue if you've fixed the problem. Similarly if you set "Break on error/warning/caught exception" test run will stop in these cases. However, if you want to just run all the test in succession without breaking, unset all these options. You can also set breakpoints on some nodes.

    For more information about debugger read Qf-Test manual.

  5. Start test run (press Start button while the top-most Test-suite node is selected).

  6. Depending on the parameters set one or more test-sets will be executed. Each test-set corresponds to one project with one configuration and consists of 3 test-cases: build, setDebugSettings and debug. If one of these test-cases fails, following test-cases will not be executed.

  7. After test run is finished, you can see the results in the bottom right corner of the Qf-Test window, where numbers of successful, failed and skipped tests are shown. You can also see the run-log by pressing Ctrl+L or choosing the test-suite at the bottom of the "Run" menu. In the run-log window you can choose "File/Create HTML/XML report", then accept default options and see the generated HTML report in your browser.

Setting test-suite parameters

Select the top-most Test-suite node of your test-suite. On the right side of the Qf-Test window information about the test-suite will appear. In the variable definitions section test-suite parameters are listed. Required fields are

  • board - available values are: nsim, emsk1.1, emsk2.2, axs101 and axs103.

    In case selected board is not nsim, you have to specify

    • gdbServer: openocd or ashling;

    • core. Here is a table of available cores:

      emsk1.1 emsk2.2 axs101 axs103
      em4 em7d arc600#1 hs36
      em6 em9d arc600#2
      em11d em6
  • eclipsedir - directory with the eclipse that will be tested;

  • workspace - workspace for eclipse to use for test projects.

Optional fields for all tests:

  • language - either c, c++ or may be left blank. If blank, both languages will be tested.
  • mode - build or debug. If left blank, the value is considered as debug. Build mode only tests that projects can be built and no problems are detected. In debug mode it is tested that projects that are built successfully can be run and output is checked.
  • ignoreProblems: true or false. Normally if project is not built or some problems are detected (and shown on the "Problems" tab in Eclipse), we do not try to run it. But if you set ignoreProblems = true, project will be run even if there are problems on the "Problems" tab (but not if project is not built). However, if there are problems detected, the build test-case will be considered as failed even if ignoreProblems is set. Default value -- false.
  • configuration - Debug, Release. By default, every created project has two build configurations - Debug and Release. Choose which of these configurations you want to test. If left blank, both these configurations will be run.

nSIM parameters

To run nSIM tests you need to specify

  • nsimdrv - nsim executable file with full path;

Optional fields for nSIM:

  • toolchain: one of em, hs, 600 and 700. If blank, projects for all of the toolchains will be tested;
  • endian: little, big. If blank, both endianness' projects are run;
  • tcf. If you specify TCF, project will be tested only on this TCF, but in this case you have to specify toolchain and endianness as well. This TCF will be taken from the directory tcf/toolchain/endian/ relative to the test suite location, so the available values are the names of files in this directory (without extension).

EMSK and AXS10x parameters (optional)

  • template - for EMSK there are "Hello World" and empty templates available. You can choose the template to be tested by setting template equal to hello or empty. If left blank, both templates will be used (if this field is left blank then some tests fail, because memory_error appears before main and exit when debugging, it happens for unknown reasons, so a template field needs to be filled now).

  • mcpu - mcpu flag to be passed to compiler. For ARC 600 there is only one mcpu value: arc600, for ARC 700 - arc700. For ARC EM values are: em, arcem, em4, em4_dmips, em4_fpus and em4_fpuda, for ARC HS: hs, archs, hs34, hs38, hs38_linux.

    However, if using this option, you have to be careful since not all of the options are applicable to all of the cores that can be used. For every project template and every board and core there is a list of mcpu values that will be run if this field is left blank. Usually there are only one of two values in these lists. For example, "Hello World for EMSK 1.1 Project" on EM4 will be run only using em4_dmips mcpu value, but "Empty Project for EM4" will use em4 and em4_dmips.

    The lists of the mcpu values to be used by default can be found in the "template" data table of the top-most "debug" test-set's data driver.

OpenOCD and Ashling parameters

  • openocd - OpenOCD executable file with full path;
  • ashlingBinPath - Ashling executable with full path;
  • ashlingXmlDir - directory containing XML target description files and arc-reg-files;
  • comPort - on Windows if you want to check UART output, you have to specify the COM port of your connected board from "Devices and Printers" dialog. Use only the number, without the "COM" prefix. For example, if your "Devices and Printers" shows "COM5", put "5" in this field. If left blank, output just will not be checked.

Other parameters

There are sourceFileDir, sourceFile, tcfDir and client parameters with default values set in the variable definitions section of test-suite. There is no need to override these values from test run to test run, but tcfDir and sourceFileDir should point to tcf/ and src/ directories respectively (relative to test-suite location) and sourceFile should contain the name of the file to be used as source file for empty projects.

Variable client is qf-test internal and can be set to any value.

Launching test-suite from command line

There is a command that can be used to run test-suite from command line:

qftest -batch -variable <NAME>=<VALUE> arc_gnu_ide_tests.qft

All the variables needed for the test execution should be set to appropriate values here or in the test-suite "Variable definitions" section. Values set from command line override the values set in the test-suite.

There are other parameters for command line qf-test execution, see "Test execution" chapter of Qf-Test manual.

Known problems and how to fix them

  • It has been noticed that sometimes Eclipse stops recognizing some components. For example, there might be a sequence that starts debug session, with waitForComponent() procedure in the middle of it that fails with ComponentNotFound exception, but you can see that this component in fact appeared in Eclipse. I'm not sure why this happens, but setting a breakpoint on the failing node, waiting for the component to appear and recording this component again (press Start recording button, mouse click on the component, then stop recording and see the result in the "Extras" section) and replacing the old component with the new one fixes the problem.

Note that after component is recorded it often needs to be edited. Open "Extras" section, choose the command that uses the component, then press Ctrl+W to locate component in the "Windows and components" section. It often helps to delete all the information from the "Structure" and "Geometry" sections of the component information. Also it might be necessary to edit "Feature" and "Extra features" sections, so that this component would be recognized for projects with names different from the name of the project you were testing when recorded this component.

  • Another thing that might cause questions is that when qf-test checks UART "Hello World" output, it uses an image instead of text, so the "Hello World" might be there, but the image might not be the same. It's impossible to check text here because apparently Terminal view shows an image, so I'd suggest user should just record his image and replace the old image in test-suite with his new one and run the tests against it. Another solution is to just check in run-log that every time Check image procedure failed, there in fact was "Hello World" in Terminal view (Qf-Test provides screenshots of Eclipse window at the times exceptions occur, they are available in run-log).