NPM Registry | Texas Hold'em App | My GCP Org | LinkedIn | GDSC Lead Alumni @ IU
- 👋 Hi, I’m @fostemi and I love to tinker. Everything should be open source so I can contribute :)
- 👀 I want to automate all of the toil in my life! I'm currently training for an Iron Man 70.3! - Update: I finished an Iron Man 140.6!!
- 🌱 My Goal: Create a seamless transition from code to a running program in any environment. I want to work on three projects in the new year - Lifting Application, Life Dashboard, Bet Calculator
Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer | Certified Kubernetes Administrator | Hashicorp Terraform Associate | Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer
Kubernetes | React | GoLang | Crossplane | ArgoCD | Internal Developer Platforms | Python | Google Cloud Platform