capture webpage and diff the dom change with phantomjs
First of all, install phantomjs, page-monitor relys on phantomjs to render webpage and genenrate screenshot. DO NOT use
to install phantomjs on winidows, it can't be launched byspawn
var Monitor = require('page-monitor');
var url = '';
var monitor = new Monitor(url);
console.log(monitor.log); // from phantom
console.log('done, exit [' + code + ']');
var monitor = new Monitor(url [, options]);
see the default options here: , you can override any option for your monitoring.
caputure webpage and save screenshot, then diff with last save.
var monitor = new Monitor(url, options);
monitor.on('debug', function (data) {
console.log('[DEBUG] ' + data);
monitor.on('error', function (data) {
console.error('[ERROR] ' + data);
console.log(; // diff result
console.log('[DONE] exit [' + code + ']');
diff change between left(date.getTime()) and right(date.getTime()).
var monitor = new Monitor(url, options);
monitor.on('debug', function (data) {
console.log('[DEBUG] ' + data);
monitor.on('error', function (data) {
console.error('[ERROR] ' + data);
monitor.diff(1408947323420, 1408947556898, function(code){
console.log(; // diff result
console.log('[DONE] exit [' + code + ']');
var monitor = new Monitor(url);
monitor.on('debug', function (data) {
console.log('[DEBUG] ' + data);
monitor.on('error', function (data) {
console.error('[ERROR] ' + data);
: debug from phantomnotice
: console from webpageinfo
: info from phantomwarning
: error from webpageerror
: error from phantom