Wagtail Space is a Wagtail event hosted by Four Digits in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
We like others to organise Wagtail Space events as well.
If you like to organise a Wagtail meet up, sprint or conference you may use the Wagtail Space name, graphics and website!
What we propose:
- Name your Wagtail event: 'Wagtail Space [CityName]'. Eg: 'Wagtail Space Philadelphia'.
- Notify Four Digits and get a subdomain (philadelphia.wagtail.space)
- We list your event on [wagtail.space](https://wagtail.space)
- Provide hosting yourself (supply an ip address)
- Notify Wagtail Core team of your event plans
Clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:fourdigits/wagtailspace.git
Create an environment and install Python packages:
virtualenv env -p python3
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure your database. Copy and edit local.py. (secret key and database credentials).
cp wagtailspace/settings/local.py.example wagtailspace/settings/local.py
vi wagtailspace/settings/local.py
Make migrations, create a user and run the development server:
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
yarn start
Build the frontend locally and copy the results to the server:
git pull origin master
yarn build
scp wagtailspace/static user@server.tld:/path/to/wagtailspace/wagtailspace
scp config-prd-stats.json user@server.tld:/path/to/wagtailspace
On the server:
pip install -r requirements/prd.txt
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py migrate